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由Coyote_x_Starrk編輯: 8/25/2015 12:01:11 AM

Stop using the "No Exotics Left Behind" quote to justify your junk arguments...

[b][u]Reason 1) Most of you just want to keep your OP G-Horn[/u][/b] The vast majority of you people that are quoting that don't give a DAMN about your progress or your "Earned" weapons. You simply want to bring the G-Horn over so you can continue spamming it until the end of time. The weapon broke the game and now it is being taken away until such time that it no longer does that or until they can properly balance it in relation to the content. If G-Horn were to be carried to Year 2 you would not even see HALF as much whining. [b][u]Reason 2) All of you are taking the quote out of context. [/u][/b] Remember at the time the situation was that we were losing all of the XP and progress that we had gained on Exotics. Now we are talking about Exotics that are being left in the game, but just aren't being allowed forward. Those two situations are completely different. You get to keep your exotic and you get to keep your progress. They are simply being left behind until such time Bungie sees fit to allow them forward or finds time to properly balance them. [b][u]Reason 3) Contrary to popular belief things DO change[/u][/b] That quote is from [i]December of last year[/i] [i][b]BEFORE[/b][/i] the new weapon and armor system was even invented yet and before Taken King was even finished. Things are allowed to change and that is exactly what has happened here. They said that in relation to the content that was current at the time. New content means new situation New situation means new rules and new guidelines. They didn't say "No exotics will be left behind ever again". They said that in that instance no exotic would be left behind and that is exactly what happened. [b][u]Disclaimer: Do not mistake common sense and maturity for [i]Fanboyism[/i][/u][/b] I am not a "Desticle" so don't even start with that tired old argument. I am not defending them because I drink the cool aid or because I love their shit game. I am not even [i]buying[/i] TTK until after I see countless reviews and impressions. I also think their entire system of RNG is crap and despise the way they have handled this game and it potential. [b]I am defending them because I possess common sense and common sense shows you that this quote was made in a different time in a different situation with a different set of problems and different set of rules. Therefore it cannot be applied to a new situation with a new set of rules[/b] EDIT: Stop quoting the Weekly update at me. I KNOW what it says. He said that no exotics would be left behind and that they would be respected [i]AT THAT TIME[/i] The exotics [i]weren't[/i] left behind and they [i]were[/i] respected. Notice how the quote doesn't say that no exotic will EVER be left behind? He promised that in that instant at that time they would not be left behind. Not that they would NEVER EVER be left behind.



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  • Hahahaha, like some of the post, some not so much. 1. Common sense is NOT common. There is no such thing. It's just having sense. 2. Gally didn't break the game, Bungie's lazy ass level design and boring bullet sponge bosses did. Gally was just the most efficient tool to churn out repeating the same challenge-less activities again and again. 3. Your second point is 100% speculation. There is ZERO proof or evidence that Bungie plans to bring exotics not being brought into year 2 up to the same level. 4. Bungie has completely failed to adhere to a simple business rule about change and managing people (quote in HBR - Fall 2015) "People aren't afraid to change, they do it all the time. What people resist however is being changed. If we can help people internalize the compelling reasons for change, it becomes simplistic and self-directed". Bungie's abysmal communications management and general lack of transparency about anything (including TTK content less than a month from release) are helping to fuel the backlash. They need a serious (and very basic) lesson on communications management. That being said, I really don't give 2 craps about exotics being left behind or TTK for that matter.



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    • I agree with you, but I haven't put enough hours into the game to feel the pain of precious exotics being left behind.[spoiler]So I feel a little bad for those people [/spoiler]



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    • While I applaud you for trying to point out common sense to a forum full of all reality it's a lost cause for most, those who understand don't care and those who don't aren't going to now because of this sadly but your points are great points and I think people are forgetting that year 2 exotics have different perk trees and you have to level them up again which they would cry about also



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    • I don't care about Gally. But the fact that Bungie has decided they can just say what exotics we can use from now on bothers me. That's not fair is it? Bungie is basically just saying, "Wow you put a lot of time into earning and leveling up that [insert exotic name]. Well [b]screw you[/b]."



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    • 由Fridén編輯: 8/25/2015 4:29:49 PM
      I can live with the fact that weapons are getting left behind (although I don't like it.) What I don't agree with is certain armor pieces getting left behind. Your exotic armor piece is typically definitive to your class and defines how you play the game. There really isn't much to chose from currently (a lot are terrible) and to reduce it even more and then introduce three new sub classes seems to reduce diversity even more.



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    • Tbh I just like the ghorn cuz it's pretty and makes me feel special, I could live without it anyway



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    • I have been saying this from the end of the last stream. TREAT THE TAKEN KING AS A NEW GAME



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      • Very true. Many people also ignored the part where it was said (while showing the exotics screen) that these were the only ones moving forward [u]right now [/u]. Many people ignored that so they could keep throwing fits, but I fully believe most exotics will move over as they find ways to balance the more overpowered ones (Thorn, Ghorn, IB, etc.)



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        • I just want hard light



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        • [quote][quote][b]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/b] by DeeJ “The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear:[u][i] [b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”[/b] [/i][/u] Looks like we have been played! #saveourexotics #noexoticsleftbehind #AllExoticsMatter[/quote][/quote].



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          • 由Fatgull編輯: 8/25/2015 11:22:57 AM
            I just want to keep my MIDA Multi-Tool. I dont give two shits about the Gjallarhorn.



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          • They're our weapons and armor we spent the last year collecting. We should have the ability to upgrade and use them all. It should be our choice to play the game the way we want to play. Bungie picking and choosing which exotics we get to upgrade with no input from the players is total BS.



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            • I grinded for my gear I should be allowed to cling to it as I please.



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              • Exotics are extremely unique, they have effects that you wouldn't find on almost any other piece of gear. Some are useless either from nerfing or they just needed a buff from the start. Whatever the reason, they are special weapons and we shouldn't be forced to just drop them because bungle says so. If they want us to use new exotics then we should make that choice for ourselves. I don't want to be forced to use a piece of gear that might be ass. I don't have a huge issue but it would be nice to give a players a choice to choose one exotic to bring with us.



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              • Fanboy desticles spotted. Take cover now! #noexoticleftbehind



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                • 1) I want galley back in line. It needs to be nerfed. What I don't want is a lack of options. The exotic argument is very valid, because we are getting - 12(?) to replace everything that is being removed. That's a reduction in choice. The shouldn't be a "one size fits all" approach to raiding. That's on bungie to balance these weapons better. Not to remove them. What happens next year if they do the same? We end up with a smaller and smaller pool of exotics and back to square one with a group who of guns who are over powered because the pool to pick from is so small.



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                • 由angeliqueAKINO17編輯: 8/25/2015 1:51:40 PM
                  I honestly don't care if gjallarhorn doesn't comes with us in year 2. It just what Bungie has done. They tell us they're nerfing it. Then they let Xur sell it. Then now their like no year 2 Gally. And I swear if next week they tell us it's coming to year 2...... Lol I just feel like Bungie could've handle this a better way.



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                • #NoCrutchesLeftBehind



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                • Bump



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                • Fvck thorn, fvck g-horn, only got it and it's over rated, I just want to bring my MIDA Multitool and my Fatebringer, after that I couldn't give two fvcks...!



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                • [quote]You get to keep your exotic and you get to keep your progress. They are simply being left behind until such time Bungie sees fit to allow them forward or finds time to properly balance them.[/quote] Someone gets it. Hallelujah.



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                  • 由ColNapalm編輯: 8/24/2015 11:02:48 PM
                    [i]"Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("commonto") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate."[/i] The debate would; therfore, negate your determination. While you begin with a presumption and end with a misnomer, I can agree with you in that the quote is out of context and time. The context, I agree is far less flattering of the argument but nevertheless, Bungie can't claim a lesson learned and then abandon it - a mere 9 months later. Which brings us to time. The Second Amendment is still argued even though it comes from a time over 200 years ago when a militia was vital to American sovereignty and is very much is subject to modern standards. A quote from Deej 9 months ago, not so much. I accept, as I think we all do, that Destiny needs to deconstruct in order to evolve; owing, in large part, to flawed concept, premise and SDLC. Bungie has however said repeatedly (and recently) that the community provides vital feedback on which they improve the product and experience. As such, the only - whiners - are those impeding that feedback. Those providing it respectfully and un-abusively (pro or con) are providing a service - to us all. But your point about that quote and its context are extremely well made and I appreciate that contribution. Perhaps you can show the entire quote (and in context) so that people may debate its value and relevance in full knowledge? Cheers



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                  • I don't care about ghorn. I hate that progression is reset. Why can't old legendaries be weaker, but not weaker than new uncommon.



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                    • 由whateverman7編輯: 8/25/2015 5:11:24 AM
                      Finally, someone speaks what this is all about: gally. If gally was being brought forward, there wouldn't be any of this 'save our exotics' bullshit. All that is showing is that a lot of people on these boards don't understand how this type of game works. If they did, they wouldn't have gotten so attached to a year 1 weapon that was eventually gonna get left behind in a 10 year game. Another thing the people complaining aren't realizing: gally is still gonna be useable in ttk. You just wont be able to use it as the 'end all, be all' it is now. But by then, they wont even care cause there will be a new 'gally' by then. That's how these games work.



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                      • Get your grimoire up before you post again



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                        • You're a giant dip shit. G-horn is getting nerfed, exotic hand cannons are getting nerfed. Everything is coming in to balance, no reason they shouldn't transcend over to year two. Your points are completely and totally irrelevant and completely wrong.



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