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8/20/2015 11:10:46 PM

Hold on... So u sell gally, then u plan on nerfing it, now you're not gonna let us ascend it?

Why Nerf something that won't be up to par with other exotics. What sense does that make. You're basically nerfing it twice. Sucks for everyone who just got it.



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  • Use it before its nerfed you entitled prick you bought gally from xur ( i couldnt careless) but now your complaining because you cant use it for that long? Half the community didn't have a gally so they wanted everyone to use it to enjoy the overpowered ness ( not a word i know) before its patched same with last word. If they didn't patch it, the gally would probably still be a reliable option in TTK each wolfpack round does what like 700 damage that's just a single one times however many it has per shot not including the damage done just from the rocket



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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