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6/23/2015 10:28:31 PM
>be me >21 >Kissless virginfag >Average guy, not fat >Fapped every other day since i can remember >Download tinder app >Match some qt 3.14 >Start chatting >Going alright >Ask to come over and she agrees >Wait till parents go out >She comes over >Awkward at first but soon settle as i put a film on >Start kissing >hellyeah.jpg >She says its ok she knows im a virginfag and she likes it >Starts rubbing my leg >Sits on top of me still making out >Unbuttons my shirt >Kisses my chest >Boner through the roof >Take off her top >Big whopping tatas loving it >Pulls down my trouser and starts BJ >Trying not to come >Pull her head away >Give it 2 mins >She is moaning so loud >No longer thinking about climaxing >Going as hard as i can white knight >She is wailing in pleasure >Wailing >She is a whale >Blubber everywhere >Tells me to stick finger in blowhole >I do it, so moist >Harpoon so hard roodypoo cant fine me >Hear front door open >Voice outside "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" >Mom opens door >Gets on the floor >Walk the dinosaur



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  • [quote]>be me >21 >Kissless virginfag >Average guy, not fat >Fapped every other day since i can remember >Download tinder app >Match some qt 3.14 >Start chatting >Going alright >Ask to come over and she agrees >Wait till parents go out >She comes over >Awkward at first but soon settle as i put a film on >Start kissing >hellyeah.jpg >She says its ok she knows im a virginfag and she likes it >Starts rubbing my leg >Sits on top of me still making out >Unbuttons my shirt >Kisses my chest >Boner through the roof >Take off her top >Big whopping tatas loving it >Pulls down my trouser and starts BJ >Trying not to come >Pull her head away >Give it 2 mins >She is moaning so loud >No longer thinking about climaxing >Going as hard as i can white knight >She is wailing in pleasure >Wailing >She is a whale >Blubber everywhere >Tells me to stick finger in blowhole >I do it, so moist >Harpoon so hard roodypoo cant fine me >Hear front door open >Voice outside "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" >Mom opens door >Gets on the floor >Walk the dinosaur[/quote]



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