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8/19/2015 12:48:15 AM

NightFAIL Drop Bugged

Okay, seriously why is it that all we're getting is shitty Vanguard weapons that we can go buy anyway? Several of my friends and I are only getting the same same shitty weapons for almost 3 weeks now. Today we did a Nightfall and we all got the same shitty Bungie? Last week we all got the same three guns but each on different runs...The all-fate, amplified geo and the give/take, like there aren't tons more guns out there to be gotten?



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  • I have so many motes of light from all the give take equations bungie thanks all I need is the fourth horseman but no RnG says hell no you will get the same stuff over and over and over and over and over you get my meaning yes I have got exotics but I have most of them . That give take equation though what a POS



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