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8/16/2015 3:34:51 AM

Time, weapons, and improvement: Is it worth the grind?

Returning player looking for some input on changes that have happened over the past months. To begin, I am not furious about the nature of the changes, but something else that seems to be overlooked in the long run. Maxing a build can be a time sink that many of us who are dedicated to a game will invest in and with this being said, many of the changes happening are discrediting older members by destroying the worth of their guns. In many MMORPG type games we see this in character class trees being changed, spells being reworked, and entire systems being added or removed. To compensate for these type of changes we see companies giving back to those in the community who have worked hard on anything related to said changes. This in general is done to make sure the player does not feel he has wasted his time. In Destiny however we do not see these compensations. What is Destiny but a glorified FPS MMORPG?[u] So my question to the community is, do you think we should have a system in place to compensate for changes to baseline legendary guns?[/u] More the less, should we not receive the motes we invested into our guns because of such changes? A good yet bad example of this can be seen in one of the more recent changes announced, the final round for snipers. Many players spent a good bit of motes to max out their favorite gun. Yes, final round needed to be changed, but to be replaced by a worthless perk has made all of our time look to be wasted. This can be said with any other gun that we spent time grinding for, buying, or rerolling, just to see it end up in the scrap yard. Probably going to stick around for a while, but I do hope changes happen that compensate for such time losses. This is not the only time loss that can be seen concerning Destiny. In idea we have lost hundreds of hours as players who have played this since release.



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  • But final round will still be good for pve (even though none of the guns it's on will be since we can not ascend legendaries and uncommon weapons we get after a couple missions in the taken king will already be better pve options) and if you purposefully rolled a cheap, broken perk on your sniper for pvp, then I have no problem with your time being wasted. So many better perks in that slot that actual skilled players rolled for. But I do see your overall point. I don't feel that our time will have been wasted when our old gear is no longer good enough and new gear is presented to us. We played the game, enjoyed it, and now we get a complete overhaul of the game that allows us to get all new loot, learn new things about the story (or anything at all, since you know, the game has basically no story as of now), experience new boss fights and crucible maps. I see where you're coming from and there is definitely an argument to be made, but for me personally I just think it's going to be so much more fun being able to use completely new gear. Maybe I'm the only one (it sure seems like it) :/



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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