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8/12/2015 8:53:38 PM

DarknessAndStuff(XB1)150+ Members/Seeking Actives Of Any Level

DarknessAndStuff is now recruiting any actives to grow our community. We are dedicated to taking a "big brother" approach, whether it be raids, pvp, general matchmaking and any endgame activities. A lot of us are day one players, some (including myself) have been here since the beta, honing our skills for the betterment of our ability to teach others how to become legend and all that wholesome goodness. We come from just about every walk of life, and an assortment of ages and skill levels. If you enjoy the concept of being well looked after by fellow brothers and sisters, look no further. Need to get that pesky nightfall out of the way? We have you covered, looking to get into pvp and pick up a few tricks? Bam, covered. Completely new to the experience and just want a few buddies to roll around with? Pshhhh, consider it done my friend. With so many possibilities in this hectic galaxy, it doesn't hurt to have a family to even the odds. Refer to the link provided to join and get a ahead of the curve. Good luck guardians.



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