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8/3/2015 5:56:59 AM

Salvation State Ascension?

Just a random question, I've been thinking about this for a while now... Is it worth it to ascend my Salvation State? I [i]freaking[/i] love the gun, I use it for almost everything, but I just wanna know, from experience, if it's worth using an Etheric Light on. I only have one... For now. I can always work for more. Perks are Full Auto and Third Eye. Suggestions? Thanks.



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  • If you like the gun and it does what it needs to do, ascend it. I had a sweet spot for my Zero Point LOTP as it was my first good legendary scout and I loved that gun so I ascended it just last week. Etheric light is pretty easy to get now with PoE so I say go for it.



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