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由Upperclass Bum編輯: 7/19/2015 7:49:28 PM

What's with Crunchyroll's crappy selection of anime?

I was thinking about starting a Crunchyroll free trial so I could start watching some of my favorite anime again, without having to torrent it or watch it in potato quality on youtube or some shit. Before making my decision I wanted to peruse the selection to see what else is on there aside from the classics I assumed to be available, however, much to my surprise, none of the classic anime of yore such as Dora the Explorer, Scooby-Doo, Spongebob or even the progenitors of the medium, Corey in the House and Seinfeld were among the list of countless clichéd and trope filled, poorly drawn hentai and cartoons. I mean seriously... Sword Art Online? (which totally isn't a ripoff of that other cartoon .hack /sarcasm) Attack on Titan? Kill la Kill? They have shit like that on CR, but no actual anime? If you were ever considering it, don't. Not even the free trial is worth it.



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