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由AndyTheDestroyer編輯: 7/17/2015 6:22:49 PM

Re: Weapon Re-balancing.

I own every exotic everything in the game. Multiple Ice Breakers Multiple Ghorns. That being said. I think this weapons re balancing up date is fair. the Ghorn will still be effective despite the 20% nerf. honestly don't even think it will be asburdly noticeable. So it will take one extra rocket to kill an enemy. I don't even use Ice breaker all that much despite having 5 of them. I think the 8 seconds might be a bit harsh but over all i don't think it breaks the game. Everything else I have read seems fair and I am excited to knock the dust off some old weapons and give them a whirl. NECRO and HARDLIGHT FTW!!!! We shall see how all these work in the real world once the update hits. But for, me on paper it all looks 100% fair. So much melodrama over something that IMO will make this game way more fun to play. Edit: Datto sums it up nicely as usual.



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