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7/17/2015 2:08:30 AM

Bungie, we need to have a talk

Look Bungie, you know we love you so much. You're a wonderful company that came out with the Halo series and gracefully passed on the Torch. It's understandable what you've become under Activision, with them it's all about the cha-Ching. Destiny was going to be the game of the decade, and in some ways it has been. Buts that's not what this is about. We need a talk Bungie, a series talk about The Fans and The Dev Team. You see, The Fans are an almost homogenous mass of people who will pretty much put up with whatever you do yet bitch about it at every corner and pretty much bitch about anything in general. I'll admit, I've done my fair share of bitching, but it comes from a good place. The fans bitch because they care, they want to see this game perfect, and it's hard to please everyone. You did the right thing nerfing Thorn, TLW, and boosting out poor ARs. But you have to understand, The Fans only have insight into what you give us. So we, for the life of us, cannot understand why you kicked the poor, down trodden Fusion Rifles. They're already obsolete in PvP and rarely used in PvE (to my experience). They literally did not need any if these nerfs or adjustments, they needed buffs just like the ARs and what do you do, you kick the poor puppy that is Fusion Rifles. Now, on to the exotics and the one legendary. I can see why you would do this Bungie, but don't you think you're overreacting a lil bit? Black Nail was a unique gem among heaps of garbage, now it's going to be an abused orphan since everyone will abandon it. The precious Ghorn, I got my first one on the 28 PoE and I was happy. It's a wonderful Rocket Launcher that has split rounds that are actually useful. I can see the nerd being somewhat necessary, but definitely unwanted. As for Ice Breaker. No, no, bad Bungie. Fix our precious child. Okay, on to The Devs. Fans, please understand that they don't control everything. They are directed by Activision, they can't run things purely how they want. They have a say, but ultimately, it's the big wigs at Activision. This we have, Bungivision. The Devs are doing their best, and what they think is the right moves, to make this the best games they can. But as I said, we aren't really sure what the Devs are doing half the time. So, as The Fans all we can do is voice out opinions and hope to be appeased. Fans, praise them more than you complain to them. I've done my fair share of both. More so bitching. Personally at this point, I have mixed feelings on Destiny. I love it but I hate it. Sorry to babble on for so long. Maybe I'll edit this and improve it. But for now, people of Destiny! Let me hear your voices and opinions!



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