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7/13/2015 5:52:03 PM

Last perk of eternal warrior

Hi, i got the eternal warrior of xur last weekend and i just finish upgrade it and the last perk is not infinite fist of havoc but something else... Is it normal? Do i have to get another eternal warrior to get the resolute perk?



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  • Where the hell did you hear about a helmet that gives you infinite super??? That'll be op as hell dude... It gives you unstoppable, meaning if someone uses FoH on you and you cast it a couple secs later, that person will die and you'll be left with a little bit of health left



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  • Resolute adds the unstoppable perk(look very top right of striker skill tree) so you can select something else such as shoulder charge if you like. The unstoppable perk itself is only active during your super(fist of havoc only not ward of dawn) and it does not make you impossible to kill. It gives you extra armor during your super but if you have taken too much damage before you activate you could still be brought down.



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  • 1
    Hello, Eternal Warrior does not provide infinite Fist of Havok. It provides unstoppable, a perk which reduces incoming damage while in the motion by an even greater factor. This perk is on the final tree of the skill tree.



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