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由Alak-Hul, the Darkblade編輯: 6/25/2015 9:25:32 AM

To all of you complaining about TTK and the collectors edtion stuff priced at $20 extra...

ENOUGH. I have literally watched this forum erupt into nothing but bitter hate and outright utter nonsense ever since Bungie told us about the Collectors Edition exclusives being offered at $20 for those who purchase TTK standalone. For god sake you all asked for the crap and now you can get it and even after you got what you wanted you still bitch an whine about it! I know I'll catch flak for this but seriously enough is enough, I know were all entitled to our own opinions but this is mine! If your that pissed about it being given a price tag now here's a thought: DON'T BUY IT. You have a choice as a consumer on what you wish to buy and what you wish not to buy, as the additional bonus content for $20 is there if you truly want it and is completely optional. So if you want the added goodies, go ahead an buy it. If your pissed that it has a price tag on it, look the other way and keep walking forward. Bungie is trying it's best to make up for what happened at E3 and yet even with what they have tried to do, even with all the fires they put out you all begin to start more. And to the people who have given hate on Luke Smith and his apology, BACK OFF. The guy saw what he had done wrong and told us he was sorry for the way he was in the interview and yet you all reacted negatively to his apology like as if the only thing you heard come out of his mouth was bullshit. It takes a lot to confront your fan base and let them know, "I screwed up, I'm sorry." Most dev's don't have even HALF the backbone Bungie has when it comes to trying to make their fans happy. Yet in the end all you do is bitch, and complain all the time until it's as if it's the end of the world. To all of you thinking I don't know what I'm talking about I absolutely do. I have watched this community from day one go from funny an supportive to just down right masses of unpredictable amounts of just complaining about certain actions the developer makes. All of you should be at least thankful that they came up with a solution to try an make you happy, yes it may not be the best but at least they tried to make amends, and yet even when they did you harass them, thinking you deserve better. What I saw from Bungie took more then just balls, they literally took a kick to the balls from ALL OF YOU to make things right, yet none of you are at the least satisfied with the outcome. This needs to stop and I'm just sick of all the people who continue this on going debacle ever since TTK was announced. Either nut up or shut up about it.



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