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由Amara Burrger編輯: 6/19/2015 6:12:56 PM

Prev Gen to Next Gen

Will the Taken King be transferable? I ask this because most of my friends are on previous gen and I want to buy the Collector's Edition...even though I ALREADY own the full game and the first two, Bungie. There REALLY needs to be a version of the collector's ed that DOESN'T come with the core game and first two expansions. What a rip-off for vets... Anyway, yeah. I don't wanna buy the Col Ed and find out I still have to buy the next expansion for my next gen as well. A prompt response on this will be greatly appreciated AND net you a quicker purchase. EDIT: I answered my own question. So now the question is this: When I get the Col Ed, will the ownership of The Taken King transfer back from next to prev gen?



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