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6/17/2015 12:38:31 AM

On The Topic of The Taken King Digital Collectors Edition... (Bungie answer this for me please)

So, as excited as I am for The Taken King I'm very irritated by the fact that they have not clarified what the hell the V.I.P rewards are other then we will know when it is released. Also the utter fact that I already have the damn game and both expansions and see that I'm forced to purchase the same content again if I buy it is just stupid, due to it giving you the full game and both expansions that I and you may have already owned. We should not have to drop $80 on a collectors edition if we already have the game and expansions. The idea of cutting off your player base from the new emotes, shaders, and class items and limiting it to the collectors edition is bad enough but making us RE-Buy the game and add-ons all together in it is even worse. Please Bungie, for the love of god let people who purchase the collectors edition digitally just get TTK and the exclusives such as the shaders, the emotes, and the class items and not have them RE-Buy the game and all the content they have already purchased. It's completely unneeded for your fans to buy the game and it's expansions all over again and you know it.



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