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6/15/2015 12:04:05 AM
I'm a girl, and I actually strongly disagree with this. If it was the other way around (a 'boys only' clan) girls would be flipping major ballsack, complaining that they're being sexist. I hate one gender only clans, it's sad. And to assume every man harasses women? Disgusting. As a girl who's in a clan of 69, with only one or 2 other females, we've never been treated unfairly. We're treated like humans. Hell, I've only ever had women attack my friends and I... The guys of Destiny aren't all that bad. Chill. Had you not stated that it's clan where you "don't have to deal with harassment from guys," I wouldn't be so disgusted or object to this clan.



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  • I agree I'm a guy but sometimes feel a little intimidated playing with other guys..girls are actually more fun to play with,some guys just take it to serious



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  • I completely agree



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  • This isn't just a place where we say guys are bad. Many of the girls in this group still play with boys. But some of the women in this group have been harassed . This group is mainly for girls to connect and find each other since it can be hard to find other girl gamers. We don't mean to come off rude by any chance of disrespect people . It's mainly just for gamer girls to find each other. Thank you



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  • The only thing I find even slightly odd about this group is in the description. It states that women can join and discuss things without men harassing them. It gives off a really strong vibe that kinda says "all guys harass women and we need to stop this by creating a sexually discriminatory clan." I find nothing wrong with this clan, I actually find it quite shocking how many girls play Destiny, since I have only met one in my life. It's just that it's worded in a way that makes it seem kind of aggressive. Have fun gaming, ladies!



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