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由nomorbountisXP編輯: 6/6/2015 4:01:30 PM

Destiny is Making Me Want to Quit

This isn't a post about attention or whatever. This is honest feedback. The end game activities are too difficult. They aren't fun. It's like work. Work to find a team. Work to try and fight other teams who have beaten Osiris trials 9 times and have all the gear and are super freakin out there and live to play games. I play this game a lot for the time I have and I consider myself to be pretty ok at it. But I am consistently matched with players in Osiris of a higher advantage, and the skolas fight is just too hard. Why does skolas Rush in when your already getting hammered by adds? That's the main disadvantage. Anyway, at this point I can only do PoE on 32 and 34 and I'm already level 34 with maxed everything. This gives me no incentive to play.... I want to win at trials. I want to beat skolas. But it's not fun. And with that I'll just say to Bungie, farewell for now. I'm getting out before I get an ulcer.



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