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由pastafarian 編輯: 6/4/2015 4:05:57 AM

PETITION: Nerf Thorn/TLW buff ARs

Never made a nerf thread but it's just become to much of a nusiance and the skill gap to finesse these guns is laughable. I hate having to even resort to these guns to have a chance against some teams sometimes. Thorn being a 2 shot headshot is ridiculous since when are hand cannons supposed to outgun a pulse rifle/scout rifles. It outguns the hardest hitting scout rifle really? TLW isn't so bad because of its recoil but it's damage proc glitch is unfair sometimes. I refuse to use thorn because it's just so cheap. Thoughts? If I've learned anything being here since day 1 it's that you can make bungie turn a machine gun into a primary so as long if you get enough people to agree. So nerf thorn/TLW and maybe buff ARs again as they shouldn't be outgunned by pulse rifles at close range either. Edit- it's funny the desperation you see whenever a thorn user tries to defend that it's perfectly fine with how it is. If you use that gun your automatically bad you don't have "skill".Scared scrubs [u]know[/u] this nerf is coming and don't know what they'll do once they can't use their noob gun.



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  • 1 year late here bud



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    • TT



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    • Thorn should be nerfed because it causes lingering damage at a very slow rate, This causes very unbalanced gameplay. If you shoot me with thorn I can't regen shields cause I'm dealing with burn, so I'm open to be rushed and killed. If you don't play agressive and wait back you still have a chance to kill, but this side of the mechanic is promoting a boring aspect of gameplay. One where your hiding and waiting till I'm even more weak then trying to tag me again to clean up. On top of that it's a 2 shot to the head and landing crits in this game isn't very hard, compared to every over primary it's massively at an advantage. I don't know how I would nerf or deal with the situation which is thorn, but something needs to be done to rebalance things in pvp. Because it's boring and it's getting so old after iron banner I'll probably stop playing because of it. BTW I have a 1.5 kd in crucible and over a 2.0 in trials I'm an above average player, So don't blab about me being bad cause I simply am not gonna listen, So you'll be wasting your time.



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    • I use thorn sometimes but I still agree. I think slowing the rate of fire would be the answer. It is getting annoying for sure...I bet even for avid thorn users too. Yea scout rifles/auto rifles can basically be outgunned so they are not a smart choice anymore which is sad. Scout rifles used to be my main but hand cannons got range now and do more dmg and shoot faster so it sucks using scout unless you really play safe and extremely consciously of your position.



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    • At the end of the day, we bitch, we cry, but something on destiny always pulls us back in :(



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    • Bump for desperation



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    • It's always funny how the majority of the people saying 'get better' and ''I beat thorn 24/7' are shit players.



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    • F*CK OFF!!! These threads are getting old by the second. Bunch of f*cking girls crying over nothing! Learn to be a good winner and loser you homo son of a bitch! This is OP, "I have Thorn and TLW but still my rivals kick my ass with these hand's getting annoying. They're op and they need a nerf...please Bungie! Oh and I have "dignity" and I don't use them anymore!" F*cking little bitch! I'm tired of you motherf*ckers posting this shit like candy! Learn how to use overpowered weapons and STFU! If you can't well too bad...that means other players are better than you in a video game...BIG f*cking deal!!! Worry about real life accomplishments not who is better than you in a dumb video game!!! Get through your dumb and thick skull that ALL video games have overpowered weapons that most use all the time to beat the enemy. It's nature you f*cks! Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, Rainbow Six and many more...these games all have op weapons that most of the player base use to win. There can't be a 100% balance in weapons in a video game. It's not achieve in real life and it won't be achieved in a video game! Get the f*ck over it. BALANCE will never exist...understand that once and for all! Use the damn thorn and TLW and if you get beaten than clap your hands to the piece of shit that beat you cause he was better than you...period. You bunch of pussies asking for stupid nerfs and buffs. Bungie, never listen to these little punks asking for stupid shit. Do what you got to do and I'll go with that.



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      8 回覆
      • Let's just nerf the entire game.



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      • [quote]Banana bread recipe Ingredients 1 1/4 cups sugar 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups mashed very ripe bananas (3 to 4 medium) 1/2 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nuts, if desired Directions 1. Move oven rack to low position so that tops of pans will be in center of oven. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease bottoms only of 2 loaf pans, 8 1/2x4 1/2x2 1/2 inches, or 1 loaf pan, 9x5x3 inches. 2. Mix sugar and butter in large bowl. Stir in eggs until well blended. Add bananas, buttermilk and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Stir in flour, baking soda and salt just until moistened. Stir in nuts. Pour into pans. 3. Bake 8-inch loaves about 1 hour, 9-inch loaf about 1 1/4 hours, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Loosen sides of loaves from pans; remove from pans and place top side up on wire rack. Cool completely, about 2 hours, before slicing. Wrap tightly and store at room temperature up to 4 days, or refrigerate up to 10 days. I personally think walnuts are best with them.[/quote]



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        2 回覆
        • I do hate that I HAVE to use a HC to compete...PVP needs more diversity



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          2 回覆
          • Really TLW doesn't need a nerf, just a bug fix. Stop crying nerf for it.



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          • Dunno if thorn would need a nerf if we had autos back. Could counter it well.



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          • The next thing your going to be complaining about are hand cannons needing buffed.



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          • Dont go back to what it was! just buff the autos and fusion rifles! No more nerf!



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          • No need to nerf anything. just remove send it from Thorn the damage with this weapon is fine TLW is fine n not op, a buff to auto rifles would make them on par with TLW. But like you said fix the ads glitch on TLW would help



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            14 回覆
            • I propose that we nerf all guns before nerfing each inidividual gun type. Actually, take out all guns in pvp and make it a slug fest with blink, melee, and shoulder charge. And oh, take out supers too they more OP than any gun in game.



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              • If I can do well with thorn it has to be nerfed. Is never do well with a balanced gun.



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              • Thorn and TLW are fine the way there are, auto rifles could use a boost, they aren't even of any use in pve anymore.



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              • Buff ARs but leave hand cannons alone. This way people will not only use auto rifles like how its now with hand cannons. Auto rifles hand cannons and pulse rifles would all be used.



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              • Buff the auto rifles please, nerf the thorn please do, ..................... Nerf the last word? Ehhh maybe



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                • 由yorkie編輯: 6/4/2015 2:39:00 PM
                  My god Whiney cry babies nerf nerf nerf, I noticed it's the smallest minority crying about nerfs, how about not standing still and learn to strafe,then maybe you won't get clipped twice in the head( smallest target I may ad) do u hear us pve crying about nerfs?? No now get a grip man and get better jeez Hand cannons are obviously more powerful than a ar or pulse



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                • Just think they need to change thorn to have a chance of adding burn. Not every shot.



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                • Nerf thorn a wee bit, do not nerf last word, buff ars



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                • You got the wrong look on it... buff everything else, hand cannons are fine ;)



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                • I don't have thorn and I don't think it needs a nerf.



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