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由VentralPuma606編輯: 5/27/2015 2:50:00 AM

Why isn't CTF a thing?

Seriously, why isn't this a mode in crucible? It is in every other game that has pvp. Granted it would be hard with some of the maps, but it would make it 1) a challenge and 2) another game mode that [b]requires [/b]team work. Anyone remember playing CTF in Halo: CE on Blood Gulch? We used to snipe the jumping "rabbit" with the flag. Good laughs with family and friends! Edit: I have a question for you Bungie, are you going to make me pay to play CTF? Because if your reason it isn't already in the game is, "it's to stressful for the flag bearer" you need to rethink ToO, half of your raids and the nightfall and/or weekly heroics. So here is my suggestion, the next Iron Banner should be CTF. I'm pretty sure most of the community would readily take that challenge over control. You could even make some of the bounties, capture 3 flags in a single game. Kill 20 flag carriers. Save your carrier 20 times. These are just some suggestions, but I really want to know the real reason why CTF is not in the game already.



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  • Bungie basically said they weren't ever going to add capture the flag because players that aren't good at the game will never do well. They claim that one good player could run the flag back and forth with ease and it will ruin the fun for the less skilled players. Which doesn't really make sense to me. I would consider myself only an average player at best when it comes to playing Halo PvP online, but I always do well and have fun playing capture the flag. I think CTF would be a great addition to Destiny's crucible. Some king of the hill and a few other unique game modes would add alot as well.



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