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由Schruef編輯: 4/28/2015 10:49:25 AM

A black man was killed by police!

Let's burn their cars and rob pharmacies and ATMs!!!!! Yea!!!!! [spoiler]Wtf.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Idiots. [/spoiler] Edit: they set fire to the CVS Edit: firefighters trying to fight the fires had their hoses [i]cut.[/i] Edit: [u]morning[/u], buildings have been burnt to the ground. The mayor is "under fire" and it's becoming more and more difficult to stop it.



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  • White women takes son to "black" playground. She is physically beaten in front of her son while some bitch video tapes it. The kids tries to protect his mom and the black girl assaults the LITTLE KID. But #blacklivesmatter -blam!-ing pathetic.



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    20 回覆
    • People have a right to protest and riot but that does not grant them permission to burn down/loot buildings They're basically making people become unemployed because their workplace got burned down It's ridiculous



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      • Shit you not, I had class yesterday and decided to chill at the campus food court area for a bit. Anyways while I was there, this girl said she understands what's going on over there and said it was "peaceful protest." I never had such a stong urge to slap a bitch.



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      • Feel real bad for my friend since he is from Baltimore and has a house there. Hey at least he still had hope for his Baltimore Ravens:)



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      • I saw where they were putting fences around it so the would only destroy onside the fences and it reminded me of watching monkeys at the zoo because they are inside their little cages being all reckless they look and smell like apes anyway



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      • Would someone mind linking me the event that triggered these riots? Considering the opinions the media often portrays in these things, particularly the PoV during the whole furguson incident, I'm kinda not trusting sources I find on google. Or most news sources for that matter.



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        • Shit like this only serves to reinforce my disdain for African Americans as a group [spoiler]There are exceptions to this rule, not a racist[/spoiler]



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        • Build a wall around the city and let the primitives kill each other



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          • As a black guy myself let me say I absolutely detest this type of behavior. It's sad that ppl will take a good cause and use it for their own depraved purposes, if only you could imagine how frustrating this is for black ppl who want to prove themselves and move forward in life. Not all black ppl are like that, some of us really are normal ppl with jobs and families and moral values. Plz don't assume that all black ppl could be such animals. It's so sad that we have to deal with ppl who make us ashamed of our own skin color.



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            • The sad part is that most people rioting don't even care about the guy who died, they just need an excuse to go and steal stuff and cause mayhem. Bring in the army and let them open fire on these pricks.



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              • Nothing new I see



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              • Black man getting killed is like an everyday thing. Smh.



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              • It's actually very scary. As a college student in Baltimore, it's amazing how quickly sides are taken on campus.



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                • Again......



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                • 由Dunbrack Rooney編輯: 4/28/2015 3:34:02 PM
                  When people tell me that the Flood is Liberal I laugh and point to threads like these. When people tell me that racism is dead I laugh and point to threads like these. Yes the people rioting are doing a shitty thing, but you f*ckers are also being shitty by generalizing all black people. There are reasons to be angry at the mob, but when I looked in here I thought I was right back in the 1960's. Anger is justified but this amount of pure hatred and filth coming from you guys is disturbing. Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like you guys welcome this type of story because it gives you an excuse to be overtly racist and because emotions are high you get commended and supported for for it. Edit: To be clear, I am talking about the people posting terrible things in this thread. Not the OP. Inb4TheHateTrain



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                  • >.>



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                  • Send in the guard; mow em down.



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                  • My reaction.



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                  • 由Apollo編輯: 4/29/2015 2:22:34 AM
                    ^ what happens when a black person is killed What happens when a white person is killed ______________



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                  • Protest violence with violence. Makes sense.[spoiler]i don't want to live on this planet anymore...really, I don't.[/spoiler]



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                  • Here is the thing. In 90% of the cases racism isn't relevant. Michael brown: He was high He robbed a store He ran and resisted arrest He then charged at the officer. Pretty sure that isn't racism and is just someone being a dumbass. If he doesn't break the law just like 95% of the other people who are killed, they wouldn't be dead, and there wouldn't be protests. Not to mention that they are not protesting, they are breaking the law by destroying property and assaulting civilians and officers alike.



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                  • There's always something that can be learned from riots. Ironically white people will riot if their NCAA team loses, but they hardly get as much flack as black people who riot over losing a brother. A life is more important than a sport tourney but america doesn't seem to agree apparently.



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                    4 回覆
                    • There is a difference between protests and Riots......this was an inexcusable riot.



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                    • I posted this in another thread, I'm going to share this opinion here too. Agree or disagree if you want, but there needs to be dialog. ================================== Part of the issues facing Baltimore right now derive in large part from a greater problem of the pressure from recording artists and entertainers that trickles down to the communities that everyone needs to live the[i] black experience[/i]. They're have to watch black TV shows, listen to black music, wear black clothing, talk black vernacular and when they don't get they're way, they say it's because they're black. The problem is it's not really a black thing, it's an urban thing. There are millions of people who live in our neighborhoods, whom we work with, who we walk neighborhood parks with, whom we're friends with, whom are family, etc that are black but they're just people like anyone else. We don't see any color with them, we see our friends, neighbors and community. And the real kicker is that the same -blam!-ers that are burning down Baltimore can't stand them. If you're black and successful and don't talk Ebonics or live the full [i]black experience[/i], they call them Uncle Toms. So how the f*** are we ever going to just be people? The only time I ever see color is when I'm in the city and these kids spend all day working the public transit routes selling drugs at all the stops. Who walk around with their pants around their goddamn knees and sit in stores with n**** and motherf***** being every other word out of their mouth. Who invariably get in giant fights in the streets and in malls with each other at least once a month because of Bullshit gang mentality. The thing no one talks about is there are just as many shitty low class, crime and drug ridden non black low income communities. The difference is the gun violence and murder that are glorified in the music and on TV and in movies by entertainers that get rich selling out their race. Selling a heritage of crime, violence, misogyny and murder. Rhianna telling little girls to be promiscuous or going back to NWA selling thug culture. Never mind that NWA were basically The Free World from 8 Mile, a bunch a dudes from Englewood who acted a part and made it real for millions of youth across the country. To shit on TV like [i]Blackish[/i], with a black husband who makes fun of his wife for not being black enough. Wtf is that? Not black enough? The question is where does change come from? Well it starts with being able to talk about it and right now, if you're not black, you're not allowed to have an opinion on black culture or you're racist. Never mind that you may have family and friends who happen to be black. Never mind that a lot of these issues face every other culture too. Right now there's all this rage about police killings, which don't get me wrong, are terrible and need to stop. But more people are killed each year in Chicago than die fighting in the Middle East, where's the outrage about that? When Obama gave his acceptance speeches in Chicago (particularly the second), the only thing I wanted to hear him say is that the violence and killing has to stop, that it's time we fix America and eliminate the poverty and make our inner cities[i] communities[/i] again. He didn't say one -blam!-ing word about the issues of his home town. There is 100% racism towards Black's in America, but someone having a problem with a person wearing their pants on their knees or saying n**** every five seconds isn't -blam!-ing racism. The racism is the forced and often subliminal messages in media and entertainment telling black youths that they are black and to act black and think black and that their future is set and it's hopeless. The racism in America is the absolute shit city schools (the ones they don't just close) which should be the nicest and best funded in the world from downtown commerce and big business... except they don't pay a -blam!-ing dime in taxes to support local communities because they get tax breaks for creating jobs (or they divert revenue overseas like Apple to not pay their share). The racism in America is the privatized prison systems that are guaranteed prison populations and who feed on the inner cities, who advocate the crime and drugs and violence to ensure a steady stream of [i]tenants[/i] in their cells. There are real issues in America, but they'll never get discussed because [i]let's burn CVS[/i]. We're angry, so let's rob and destroy businesses and homes of people creating the few jobs that exist in our neighborhood. -blam!-ing brainwashed idiots. Keep giving the government exactly what they want.



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                      • The Barnes & Noble remains unscathed.



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                        • I'm glad to see Baltimore's many Boost Mobiles are



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