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由Mr Goggins編輯: 3/22/2015 11:55:47 AM

Taking screenshots without HUD [XB1]

Now XB1 can take full res screenshots at the push of a button. But it will still have the HUD overlaid. So to take a screenshot without the HUD, enter the start/character menu, exit and double tap the Xbox button immediately as when you exit you have approx 0.5 sec of no HUD. This takes advantage of the fact the Xbox takes the screenshot as soon as double tap the button. There was something similiar for PS4 (hit the share button as you exit, does the same thing). But it would be nice if we could turn off the HUD for this purpose. Also, being able turn off the Chromatic Aberration & vignetting for really clear screens. Hope this is useful to some people.



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