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3/18/2015 9:15:46 PM

Comet boss leaked...

In the black garden there is a part with blood on the leaves and in the middle there is the Black Skinhead, Yeezus being worshipped by his minions, the new slaves. On sight yeezus will yell "I am a god" Then the fight begins and sends you on a guilt trip where you have to travel through the yeezus dimension as it falls apart when you return yeezus will be bound 2 a wall. He he is then weak and you can shoot him. The exotic gun to drop is "my liquor" the description "hold it" with the first perk being send it up, even greater range and the special perk being: I'm in it which causes extreme amounts of self confidence Like if you got the references #yeezusistheonlygod #yeezus #satire



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