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原先發佈於:Killa Freakin Crew
由Kaua編輯: 3/17/2015 2:05:21 PM

To The Clan We Welcome You

WELCOME TO THE KFC KITCHEN WHERE WE COOK SHIT UP! Hey beautiful children, it's about time that you have joined the best clan on Destiny. Just joking, but really we are the best clan. This post is just to welcome anybody that has joined KFC or will join in the future. If you feel yourself slipping from us, go back and read our mission statement; it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none. Need any help, have any questions or concerns? PM me or any of our lovely Admins and we will be sure to assist you. Don't forget to check out the forums for any updates and tips for your Destiny experience! Happy Raiding! PS: Thank you Killer Lady for beginning a great journey for all of us! - Spiddyock (Spiddy, Spiddysocks, Spidders... etc.)



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