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3/16/2015 6:58:32 PM

Weekly Activity: CTF (Capture The Flag)

I am a big fan of all the weekly events. I look forward to what the weekly nightfall challenge will be as well as well as the possible loot. The same goes for the heroic and what xur will bring. PvP is somewhat lacking in this department so what I propose is a weekly CTF event. The following are a brainstorm of how this could work: Weekly 6v6 CTF event. Duration of 5 captures or until 45 minutes are up. If the score is tied at 45 minutes the match goes to sudden death next capture wins. If the score is still tied at 1 hour respawns are disabled and the game is over with either 1 capture or last team standing. Loot: should be equivalent to a weekly nightfall with the high chance for an exotic and a week long buff. Perhaps it could double reputation gained for all special vendors or just all reputation as a whole. The losing team gets a small amount of crucible points and reputation to discourage leaving near the end of the match. This should be a high risk/high reward scenario like a nightfall or hard mode raid. To stop some of the trolling that I could see happening in this type of match it should only be allowed to characters of a certain experience level like a nightfall. As well you should only be able to join this event if at least one member of your fireteam hasn't yet been on the winning team that week. This would hopefully cut down on the amount of trolls while still allowing you to help your friends. Obviously only those who had not completed the event would get the high end rewards. It could also be set up like a nightfall or raid only pitting one whole fire team against another. Lastly this battle could be setup like the iron banner with level buffs enabled or as they disabled in the crucible. Capture the flag is something I have wanted to see in destiny for a long time but have very much understood why it couldn't be implemented. Making it a weekly event however would allow the games to be longer and with a higher risk/reward for completion. Please let me know your thoughts on this



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