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由FilthyMercyMain編輯: 3/9/2015 11:55:13 PM

--]Clockwork Zero - Non Elitist/Newb Friendly/New Gaming Clan[--

[b][i]Clockwork Zero[/i][/b] is recruiting as a newly formed [b][u]PS4[/u][/b] clan. We are a close group of friends who discovered each other while playing Destiny. We are currently looking to scout anybody who may be willing to run with us through the[b][i] PvE/PvP[/i][/b] content of the game. As I stated we are close but small in number. We tend to not rage unless it's at the mechanics of the game. Which we all know is to blame for any and all deaths always. We are usually on between the hours of [b][i]5pm to 11pm[/i][/b], and[b] [i]2am to 6am CST[/i] [/b]during the week, and any given time on the weekends if there isn't any IRL stuff to be taken care of. However, if your play time doesn't line up with ours it's no biggie. We are looking to form a larger tight knit group, and if that results in having clan mates on at all times then so be it. We never mind helping a newbie or a seasoned vet in any situation that may arise. Some of us are family men, some not. We have only a few requirements: [b]* Need a headset * Need to be able to speak and understand English[/b][i] ( only because that's what we speak and understand)[/i] [b]* Age is set to 25+, however if you are wise beyond your years pm me as we will make exceptions. * All sexes, races and nationalities are welcome. * Parents and couples are also welcome[/b][i] ( I'm a father of 2 myself, and have played with many parents over the years.)[/i] [u][i]One disclaimer i would like to put out there, we are serious but relaxed. We like to joke and get stuff done. We partake in all content that the game offers. We are not Elitist, but we are far from scrubs.[/i][/u] If this sounds like a group of gamers that may interest you, please contact me and we can set up a time to get together to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. From there we can set up a time to get together and play some content to feel each other out. [b]PM me @ Azyn-V- or Filthy_Caz or sign up at[/b][b][i] [url][/url] [/i][/b] [b][i]**We will be looking to bring this Clan into multiple games as well, seeing as we like to try new games sometimes! [Bloodborne]**[/i][/b]



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