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由Jimmy Wisconsin編輯: 3/9/2015 5:35:34 PM

A call to the DEVs! (And the community!)

Hello Devs, I am currently working on a project in school and I plan on making a documentary about Destiny featuring the players and the developer. I would be honored if you gave me some time out of your day to allow me to interview you with some simple (and possibly complex) questions that I have along with any questions that are left by the community below. If you would please contact me if any devs are interested in helping, drop me a DM here on or feel free to Tweet me on Twitter @JimmyWisconisn. Thanks for your time and consideration and hope to be in contact soon!! Thanks, JimmyWisconsin Dear Destiny Community, If you have any questions that you would like to see answered in this documentary interview, feel free to reply to this post and I will ask as many as I can! Think hard fellow guardians! Thanks again, JimmyWisconsin EDIT: If you would like to help make this a success, please bump like some have already and post on social media (Twitter,FB) and tag @Bungie , @DeeJ_BNG , @UrkMcGurk and any other devs that you know their Twitter handle. Thanks much!



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