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由Anderclan124編輯: 2/27/2015 11:59:08 PM

I have two legit questions for you guys. (Question post now...)

First, when are we getting more vault space? Or do you not know? Second, how are Inferno gametypes going to do scoring? Is it going to be only kills get you points?



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  • I can only answer second. Scoring for Inferno Control is on kill & on objective capture. Bonus on kill for quantity of objectives held still applies. No bonus score for assists, grenades, Supers, melee, etc.



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    • Maybe someone can answer these ones too. Do I gain more super energy from picking up orbs when I'm running 100% intellect verses 0%? Do all characters have the same amount of health in crucible? How much is shield and how much is reg health?



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      • Killed get you a set amount of points - there is no bonuses applied so no more 200+ points off a single kill. Control point captures are quicker and also reward a set amount of points. Matches will probably last longer because of this + no radar. Watch those control points - campers be chillin with shotguns round that wall ;)



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        • y yup etw yup gw th fywgwue f2f y sgiehshdehegsgetey [b]gsga[u][quote][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][i][u][spoiler][u][url=][b][quote][i][quote][u][quote][u][quote][u][quote][spoiler][url=][spoiler][i][u][spoiler][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][i][spoiler]giegeuhege[ Uruguay y. /spoiler][/i][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u]s see km www[url=]hehrnrge uh eh [/url][/spoiler][/spoiler][/u][/i][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/quote][/u][/quote][/u][/quote][/u][/quote][/i][/quote][/b][/url][/u][/spoiler][/u][/i][/u][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/quote][/u][/b]



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