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2/27/2015 11:28:14 PM

Bungie Subcontracting?

So today my buddy and I were at work killing time and talking about what’s new with Destiny. He shows me a Forbes article from a few weeks back titled “Destiny is the first game ever to need a lore patch” and we get to talking about the lack of content (in game, the grimoire has at least a wee bit) and what the heck was Bungie thinking? How could they let this out of the cage before fleshing out the story? Etc. Our thoughts: it’s working as intended We were thinking that perhaps Bungie wanted to create just the basic plot framework with the hope that this community would create some amazing stories using the building blocks provided (darkness, traveler, the fallen, etc.). With the first year or so of releases planned in advance, they would be given ample time to peruse through the forums, subreddit, user created content and so on. Then parse through and perhaps find some truly great plot points that they (Bungie) could then implement into whatever pieces are currently in development (maybe Destiny 2, comet). This would be a decent PR move, showing how much they pay attention to the community (MOTW style), and give them a chance to raise some of our more creative guardians into legends. It is also a fantastic cost savings move as well. They can minimize their labor costs by supplementing them with good ol’ fashioned free labor from our little community here. Not sure, but it definitely made for a good conversation and I wanted to know what everybody else thought. TLDR – Bungie skimped on story so they could use community creativity to fill in gaps.



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