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2/27/2015 10:05:03 PM

Welcome to Developer Open House :)

Hey, guys I'm a senior designer working on the Crucible at Bungie. Myself and a bunch of my fellow designers are on the forums today for a little while to answer questions and listening to what you have to say. :) Just a quick breakdown. I spend most my time working spawning, modes, systems, and maps. Thanks! -Leif



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  • Should add a crucible mode where everyone picks a generic white rarity weapon for each slot to add true balance and have a place for people always complaining about op weapons. For example, I could use a generic scout rifle, fusion rifle, and machine gun and it would put everyone on an equal playing field. You would pick your guns at the beginning of the match, and all abilities would be enabled. This way, people will have an option, instead of crying for nerfs if they get killed too much from a certain gun.



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  • If your just focusing on PvP right now here are some ideas. -the gun game: the classic mode where you get a new gun after each kill. I suggest you make it start with the best exotic and cycle throught the exotics until you get to the worst ones. It would be interesting and highly entertaining for most players. -sword battles: take all the guns out of this mode and just have everyone run around with swords. Everyone would be even and it would just be fun. -hot patato: this is a game with no ammo. You start and in 10 seconds someone gets marked and has 20 seconds to melee attack someone else to pass the mark to them. Once the timer runs out the marked person dies and another random person is marked. This goes on until only one person remains. There just isn't enough fun game types in PvP to draw most people in. Some types more focused on fun and less on killing eachother could bring more people to PvP. If you just added one of these game types, I would start playing PvP everyday. Not just when I have to for an exotic bounty.



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    • I think it would benefit most if we can buy faction shaders at specific ranks. Some people get a shader by rank 4, and others at rank 40.



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    • We need at least 3 more different types of elements that way there is better armor and weapon creation



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    • I love to see swords vs aegis mode...for MANY reasons!



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      • I don't now why we're all happy dee j will pop up to say we have seen and listened to our people and they will do the polar south of any thing asked , said , are idea !!! # tired #pve # listen Dee j !



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      • Lol just seen how old this thread is



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      • Hey! Two things. 1. Oddball mode, but the ball is the sword. Rumble and team modes please. 2. Competitive mode where you spawn with only your primary, with all perks nuked. Unlock your usually active perks for those weapons like kill streak rewards-- kills, assists, captures, etc. Secondary weapons are found in boxes around the map, and come with very limited ammo. Unlock perks for them via the same way. Same goes for heavies. As is I don't think crucible is very competitive like Halo was. It's fun, so give us a really fun mode. And if you want it to be competitive, go all out with my number two suggestion. Thanks. Oh and a number three would be to tie in the factions with crucible, make a story out of it. But that's whatever. Just a random aside.



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        • Are we going to see a ranking system anytime? If not please explain. Also I love doubles make it permanent! Can't wait for the trials of osiris. Can you give any info on this? Is there gonna be an initial burst of players put in to keep #s up? also is it possible to buy your way in even if you don't have the fate of all fools bounty?



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          • 1. Maps - more diverse maps maybe some more vertical maps, large maps, even some asymmetrical maps - make more maps available for control and clash such as the larger maps - make maps catered to sparrow racing - allow more freedom of movement in maps, basically if we wish to climb up something to get an edge allow us to do so, we have the jumping capabilities allow us to use them. Basically that means getting rid of alot of barriers so players can jump onto ledges or high spots -triggerable map events/effects some maps on halo had stuff like this 2. Game modes -capture the flag -king of the hill -multi team -swat -team snipers -team hand cannons -sparrow racing -conquest (2 rounds 2 teams (defense and offense) 3 objectives that must be taken in sequence) yes basically invasion from halo: reach - a gamemode that added enemy AI as a third side (can be triggerable?) - a zombie gametype using swords of crota 3. Skulls/Custom games -add more skulls/variety to gametypes -skulls that take away crosshairs, radar, or mess with abilities or movement, or entirely cosmetic skulls (big heads) -custom games with toggable settings, because sometimes you just want to shoot your friends in the face -make the skulls random for every game



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            • Why no capture the flag?



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            • Ya one thing. Start listening to PVE players.



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            • Make people who actually are good get the stuff they fücking deserve and the shitty people not get anything.



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            • Flush crucible down the toilet where that crap belongs



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            • 由JD編輯: 3/18/2015 7:54:23 AM
              It should be a PVE developer asking questions. You guys should be focusing entirely on PVE right now. We know activision is pushing the Pvp side cause of CoD idk why aw sucks and nobody plays it but the majority of us are PVE players. We want more content story with actual cut scenes.



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            • help Fix the auto rifles, they are totally useless after the nerf.



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            • I'd just like some more maps, and r there any new things that Ur working on, I play this when ever I can, and sometimes it gets boring playing the same maps over and over again.



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            • 1
              One thing I have a major problem with is Blade dancer kills not counting as a melee kills for bounties so stupid.



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            • Everyone at Bungie is such a joke... I cant even find a single reply.



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            • Myself and a bunch???? This is the only bungie post ive found, and no replies that I can find either.........



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            • I think this might have been a troll........ Anbody get a response on any of these posts?



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            • So PvP dude tell me why you give a damn what a lvl 4 has in PvP you jack them up so -blam!-ing much it's dumb. How about lvl 1 to 19 fight then 20 and up fight. Stop jacking with shit . How about a way to contact you other then when you decide to take time away from the jobs your guys are not doing and look at this shit about fix the lag switch .. how about fix server kicking people for no reason. How about this if I wanted to play COD duty ASS of war far I play shit game aw PvP with the hackers I play Destiny stop trying to be other fuc-king games and fix ( your ) shit *!!!!!



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            • 由Legend of Jordy編輯: 3/18/2015 8:13:09 AM
              Can we get beards? If that sounds like a lot of work, can Dead Orbit get a couch? FWC and New Monarchy both have couches, but Dead Orbit does not. You know, the usual brought up problems from the community. Or you know, you could just respond to the community more often and be blunt about wether certain community ideas are doable and in Bungie's best interest or if they do not support Bungie's interests. ----- So basically have more active forum moderators, they don't have to promise anything, they just need to be there in the Feedback section showing they're listening and reading. [b]Thank You.[/b]



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            • Please make Iron Banner have more modes than control maybe something interesting and new or just mix it up a littleaybe makeore iron banner games like capture the flag or just clash every once in a while. Thanks for the awsome game.



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            • How bout buffing auto rifles back up to what they were BEFORE the recent nerf. Keep the range nerf but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring the damage back up guys.



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              • I would like pvp mode with just primary. No special, no heavy, no supers.



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