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由Mojo1965編輯: 2/22/2015 9:53:16 PM


Son she said Have I got a little story for you What you thought was your daddy Was nothin' but a... While you were sitting Home alone at age thirteen Your real daddy was dyin' Sorry you didn't see him But I'm glad we talked, Oh I, oh, I'm still alive Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive Hey I, oh, I'm still alive, well... Oh she walks slowly Across a young man's room She said I'm ready, for you I can't remember anything To this very day 'Cept the look, yeah the look Oh, you know where Now I can't see, I just stare I, I, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive I'm still alive Yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, oh yeah Is something wrong she said Of course there is You're still alive she said Oh do I deserve to be? Is that the question? And if so, if so Who answers, who answers? I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, I'm still alive, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (Guitar Solo) (Ad Lib) yeah yeah yeah's



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  • [quote]Son she said Have I got a little story for you What you thought was your daddy Was nothin' but a... While you were sitting Home alone at age thirteen Your real daddy was dyin' Sorry you didn't see him But I'm glad we talked, Oh I, oh, I'm still alive Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive Hey I, oh, I'm still alive, well... Oh she walks slowly Across a young man's room She said I'm ready, for you I can't remember anything To this very day 'Cept the look, yeah the look Oh, you know where Now I can't see, I just stare I, I, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive I'm still alive Yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, oh yeah Is something wrong she said Of course there is You're still alive she said Oh do I deserve to be? Is that the question? And if so, if so Who answers, who answers? I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive Yeah, I, I'm still alive, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (Guitar Solo) (Ad Lib) yeah yeah yeah's[/quote]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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