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2/19/2015 6:58:59 PM

I'm Out

I'll be back in June or so Maybe...



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  • Dear Elliot, My dear, dear boy, I have missed you ever so much, oh how you’ve grown! Your twinkling eyes have stayed the same however, those eyes looking for adventure, oh how imagining them brings warmth to my old bear heart. That day you came to visit me I felt so happy I wanted to go out and pick strawberries. He told me you would come looking! Oh yes he told me you would come looking! Now it will be soon, you won’t be so lonely soon! I’m ever so sorry I couldn’t say hello when you came to visit, not once, 2 times! Do not threat however, you will soon finally get to play with the other children. I will try making my cellar even more cozier than before!!! 100 fuzzy hugs, Mr. Bear



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