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2/18/2015 7:27:48 PM

Dead Currencies

Over time, with updates this game has accrued a large number of materials and currencies. Allow me to list them: Glimmer Weapons Parts Hadronic Essence Sapphire Wire Plasteel Plating Spinmetal Helium Filaments Spirit Bloom Relic Iron Motes of Light Crucible Commendation Vanguard Commendation Ascendant Shards Ascendant Energy Radiant Shards Radiant Energy Exotic Shards Kind of a mess and as time goes on, the list of useful ones only shifts. So while you end up with piles of useless materials, you've got to grind out new ones. Why not have a materials / currency exchange. I'd like to dump some of the garbage for something useful (and not have to worry about inventory space for all the trash)



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