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原先發佈於:Dads of Destiny
2/12/2015 4:37:45 AM

Is this normal

My son was born weighing 8lbs 3oz and was 20 inch long. He is almost 3 weeks old and I looked up that a newborn in his first month should only eat 1-2 oz per feeding. Now my son will eat anywhere from 1-4 oz usually 3 oz is what he eats. Is this normal to be eating more than he's supposed to?
#eating #Newborn



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  • What all these guys are saying... I have a 9 mo infant foster son and a 17 mo foster son right now and the 9mo is 5lb heavier and taller than the 17 mo. Been downing 8oz bottles since he was 4mo. Everyone is diffrent. As long as they are not eating to the point they are sick let em have it.



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