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11/7/2014 2:53:58 AM

"You're so entitled!"

This phrase has been tossed around by desticles and internet white knights everywhere on this forum. "You're so entitled, be happy with the game that you spent hours on and move on" "You think you deserve a game that rivals the best ones out there? Gtfo entitled skrub" "You have 100+ hours in the game, how can you say you aren't satisfied you entitled prick?" I don't know which backward-ass inbred hicktown you spawned from, but where I come from, when I want to see a change for the better the first thing I do is start asking questions and making criticisms. You narrow minded -blam!-s want to act like there are no inherent issues with the game, and at the first sign of negativity towards it you just regurgitate broad "entitled" statements because you can't come up with a reasonable rebuttal. You are stuck in the past, and you are dragging what could be a great game and an amazing franchise down with you and your blind sheep ways. /rant



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  • If nothing was ever questioned we would still be ruled by the British, slavery would still be allright, and women would barely be aloud to anything in the United States. I believe asking for change for the better is the first step towards a better anything



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