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11/2/2014 4:36:38 AM

Can your Sparrow be placed into a Vault for another character of yours to use?

Hey everyone. I'm unfortunately not at my console right now (and won't be for 2 more days) but I wanted to ask this question and I hope it will help other users who want to do the same thing. Just a little bit of info on why I'm doing this: I'm a Level 28 Titan and soon to be Level 30 & I think it's high time to create a Warlock character & start to build him up. I recently bought the blue Sparrow upgrade from Xür and once I get a Rare or higher Sparrow soon, I'd like to know this - Can your Sparrow be placed into a Vault for another character of yours to use? Thanks in advance and I'll be looking for the responses. You guys rock as always!!! bl@ke



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