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7/31/2014 9:56:36 AM

Destiny Server Locations and Opening Times

Hey Destiny/Bungie team! You probably get swamped with messages but if there is a slight chance you see this there is something I'd love clarification on. I live in Australia and have pre'd the limited edition and look forward to the midnight launch hosted by EBgames here. This will mean we get the game a bit ealier due to timezones; will the destiny servers be open for us? or will we need to wait till 12am PST which would be 5pm on the 9th for us? Also I am getting it for ps4 will the datacentre I connect to be in LA even though we get lumped together as Europe for PSN? If not where would the server I connect to when playing pve and pvp be located? Will either console have different server locations for Destiny? Will either console brand have servers closer to Australia or in the Oceanic region? I'd appreciate it so much if the above could be clarified :) Sincerely, Ryan86AU



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