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5/20/2013 9:42:48 PM

Most Satisfying Gaming Moments?

You know those moments where you just feel like a total and utter bada$$? Where you feel untouchable and would be perfectly content if the game ended right there? List them here. For me: -Mass Effect ending [Number one for me, nothing like watching Sovereign blow to smithereens, seeing your Shepard standing all bold, and watching the Normandy fly off with [url=]this in the background...[/url] what happened Bioware?] -Halo CE ending [That feel when you realize you just soloed an entire Covenant army, a species of Xenomorphs, and saved the galaxy from certain death] -MGS3's The End [I was shot by him twice. After finally beating him I was just like... "YES!!!"] -Monsoon and Sam from MGR [Went SSJ12 or something on Blade Mode]



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  • When I finished Halo 2 on legendary.



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  • I love how many opportunities you get to do badass shit in GTA IV multiplayer. Just last night, a friend and I were getting hunted down while in our helicopter by two other assholes. When our chopper went up in flames, we parachuted off and landed on a roof. She shot one helicopter down with an RPG, I shot one down by killing the pilot with an Assault Rifle. Good stuff.



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  • There was one game back in Halo 2 where me and a friend won a big team battle outnumbered 2 vs. 8. That was a most delightful match.



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  • Halo Reach Legendary Solo. Killing Handsome Jack...... with a Buzzsaw axe to the face.



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  • 由IonicPaul编辑: 5/21/2013 5:12:31 AM
    If Halo ended with 3's after-credit (non-legendary) ending, I would've been perfectly happy. That's the most feels a video game has ever given me.



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  • I managed to beat the dam level in the TMNT NES game a couple times. (if you dont know, you dont know)



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    3 回复
    • [quote]-Halo CE ending [That feel when you realize you just soloed an entire Covenant army, a species of Xenomorphs, and saved the galaxy from certain death][/quote] Nothing more heroic and empowering than running away from a horde of balloon zombies as a cyborg death machine.... yeah. MGS2's Arsenal Gear has to go up there. You are fighting alongside Solid Snake against hordes of ninja mercenaries and mowing them down in droves. Then, you fight an army of giant robots. Then, you fight your former mentor / a clone of the greatest soldier in the world / the President of the United States with swords. Just straight up epic. MGS3's end sequence was more artistic, but MGS2's was IMO probably the most bad ass. Sorry Kojima, but the split screen radiation hallway was lame in comparison.



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      2 回复
      • Getting 30+ kills in a 50 kill game of team slayer on Reach always left me quite satisfied.



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      • 由OmegaCircuit编辑: 5/20/2013 10:20:53 PM
        - Completing any really hard NES game. - The final fight with Lavos in Chrono Trigger. - Several moments in the Metal Gear series. - Mass Effect 2's ending, escaping the base. - The beginning of Midnight in Halo 4 (the broadsword part). Not sure why, maybe because of the music or maybe because it followed the somber moment at Ivanoff station, but that moment felt so epic. That's all I can be bothered to list at the moment.



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      • 6 consecutive perfections in Halo 3. I use to be a 50 in almost every ranked game type but I played on a friends account who had never played before. Playing lower levels again I could have sworn I was in the matrix (horrible movie by the way) and it just seemed way to easy. Slimey yet satisfying. Even though it was nothing crazy and not at all difficult I love Splinter Cell (except the special needs adopted step child that is Double Agent) and when playing conviction I just get a certain satisfaction when you [spoiler]Get to put a round in the head of Tom Reed[/spoiler] The one thing I have done in my video game life that no one will ever take away from me was beating MGS without dying a single time.



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      • 由Fekron编辑: 5/20/2013 10:05:58 PM
        Killing Kai Leng. "That was for Thane, you son of a bitch!" If you didn't choose the Renegade option there is something wrong with you.



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        1 回复
        • 由Big Boss 编辑: 5/20/2013 10:14:56 PM
          [u]Metal Gear Rising:[/u] Beating all the bosses without taking any damage Defeating Armstrong on Revengeance difficulty [b][url=]RULES OF NATURE![/url][/b] Beating Jak 2 for the first time Beating The Water Temple in Zelda OoT Clearing Star Wars: The Force Unleaashed on Sith Master Mode, I FELT SO FREAKING GOOD.



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        • Ending of MW2, Halo 3, and Read Dead Redemption all hit home for me. Gaming moments such as playing Halo 3 grifball with buddies, Call of Duty 3 online, were all sweet.



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        • The ending of call of duty mw2. Never having played any sort of "press button during cutscene" games before this, I really felt the adrenaline pumping as I mashed on my controller, pulling the knife out while the screen turned red. Awesomely satisfying!



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