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5/22/2024 7:38:50 PM

Weapons of Light

Why remove the one useful part of bubble and tie it to an exotic? This ain’t even a rage post. I’m genuinely curious. I can’t think of a good reason for that other than the fact that bubble seems to catch a nerf of some kind every year, and Bungie just had to think of something to take away. If someone could provide an explanation that could at least make sense of this change, I’d appreciate it. Because wow, this change just feels extremely unnecessary.



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  • Well, they wanted Bubble to fill a very defensive role. Provide a safe haven on the battlefield for all players to take a breather. If you wish to grant you and your friends a damage buff on Void Titan, there is one option for you: but sounds like you’re not going to like it, which is weird for a Void Titan. Overall the identity of a Void Titan is self sacrifice for the benefit of Team Survivability. The layer back counterpart to Berserker. That’s my take on it and I could be very very wrong



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