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由Eatz编辑: 5/23/2024 1:37:31 PM

Wow, Frost Armor sucks (at least on paper)

Edit: TLDR, just seems like a very slightly worse woven mail with extra steps Based on what I’m reading, these changes are an overall nerf to stasis’ DR. 36% at max stacks with the fragment vs just standing near a crystal to get 40%. The only thing that will save frost armor is the ability to get stacks being plentiful, but even then, having to build up stacks instead of just getting it is annoying af. The shiny new cooldown on making shards is also a lovely -blam!- ing slap in the face.



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  • I still feel like Frost Armor will be better. Depending on how long it stays on you, and seeing as you probably prolong it by picking up shards it will have a MASSIVE uptime in ad dense areas. Frost armor also offers more mobility over the current resistance as you are no longer bound to your crystals (not that it was hard making new ones). Especially for Titan it seems as though they are putting a way bigger focus on Making a Bunch of crystals and then actually breaking them all to: 1) Do massive damage 2) Stack up frost armor 3) Heal I believe it’ll make playing stasis Titan more dynamic, similar to berserker but with a bigger emphasis on AoE damage over (single-target) melee spam. But maybe I’m just being hopeful, which I know is frowned upon here



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