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由SilentStorm725编辑: 5/23/2024 1:40:32 PM

You guys are overreacting. Stop.

Well’s nerf was needed. Like it or not, people used Well as a crutch for FAR too long and we have MANY options available for healing. Health on orb pickup mod, Heal Clip perk, -blam!- Devour fragment? Ring any bells? Well also STILL has healing, but it’s just that you must be a bit cautious now while in it compared to just casting it and forgetting about it. Build accordingly and trust in your teammates, I believe in you guys. 🙏🏾 I don’t know how the other Warlock and Hunter buffs/nerfs will play into the sandbox, but Titan’s overall was a net positive. Let’s start with Solar. Consecration aspect was already good since it came out back in Season 17. The only reason why no one used it/cared about it was because Bonk Titan was king back then. But recently with the earlier buffs to it and Bonk Titan’s death, it’s actually cooking rn and you guys are missing out. The build that I have on currently is what I’ve used for the GM this week and it provides constant healing with Sol Invictus and big damage due to the Ignition on the second slam. Now Bungie is now buffing that same Ignition damage by 20% and buffing Hammer of Sol (without SI) to compensate? Hammer Titan is eating good rn. Arc Titan needed buffs badly and their new thing with Knockout is a start. Sure it’s no big buff to base Thundercrash or anything, but at least Arc Titan has some survivability now with fixed health intervals over some health regeneration that stops over a tiny amount of damage taken. You also have [i]something[/i] done to Storm grenades and base Thunderclap itself had gotten a substantial buff to its potency. Void Titan’s [i]buffs[/i] are fine. Yes, I said [u]buffs[/u]. No more going out of the Bubble thinking you’re healed and then dying later to a stray shot. Bungie now gives you an updated health bar to see if your ready to fight outside instead of wondering. Also, it now gives you a regenerating Overshield when you’re near the bubble AND 60% damage resist to compensate. Your health (with OS) when facing PvE enemies remain mostly the same AND now you can make additional Orbs of Power when you get melee kills with the OS. Break out the Doomfangs from your vault because now, you’ll be an Orb generating machine on top of making everything explode purple. Stasis Titan gotten massive buffs: Frost Armor, Diamond Lance functionality, Glacier Quake/Shiver Strike QOL improvements, Cryoclasm updates, etc. It’s no Restoration, but it WAY better than what it is currently. Strand Titan actually got off easy. Was expecting them to gut the One-Two Punch build out of existence, but all it gotten was a slap in the wrist. A”The only nerfs Banner of War had gotten from this was a reduced total duration by 6 seconds, a melee regeneration nerf when using Into the Fray, and a melee damage nerf when using Synthos/Wormgods. Strand Titan is fine, stop crying. It’s time for this community to stop crying bull for every nerf they think is “the end of Destiny”. Use that brain instead to think of new builds to bring into the Final Shape. And if you’ve never made one, it’s never been a good time to learn like right now. There’s plenty of YouTube videos to show you the ropes or ask here for help. You have plenty of people here in this community that wouldn’t mind to impart their knowledge to you. All you gotta do is ask. Stand strong guys. You can get past this. [i]“Adapt. Overcome, and this battle is yours!” - Lord Shaxx[/i]



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