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5/21/2024 5:22:35 PM

Xur is incredibly underwhelming

Why does Xur's inventory consistently feel underwhelming..? Each week I find Xur to check out his inventory and each week I'm unimpressed by the lack of variety in armor stats across exotic and legendary armor pieces. Even when looking at his weapon selection from week to week all I see are depressingly useless rolls of weapons I'd like to have nice rolls of. I think Xur definitely deserves an inventory overhaul. Allow players to re-roll his weapons or purchase deepsights for them, even if it is for a higher price. Maybe give players the opportunity to hand-pick their stat spreads on armor pieces but require a higher cost for higher stats, similar to the way the weapon crafting system works. My hope here is to make Xur more interesting because he deserves to be more than just a vendor to buy one exotic engram from to spend my last few legendary shards before TFS launches.



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  • [quote]Why does Xur's inventory consistently feel underwhelming..? Each week I find Xur to check out his inventory and each week I'm unimpressed by the lack of variety in armor stats across exotic and legendary armor pieces. Even when looking at his weapon selection from week to week all I see are depressingly useless rolls of weapons I'd like to have nice rolls of. I think Xur definitely deserves an inventory overhaul. Allow players to re-roll his weapons or purchase deepsights for them, even if it is for a higher price. Maybe give players the opportunity to hand-pick their stat spreads on armor pieces but require a higher cost for higher stats, similar to the way the weapon crafting system works. My hope here is to make Xur more interesting because he deserves to be more than just a vendor to buy one exotic engram from to spend my last few legendary shards before TFS launches.[/quote] Destiny2 feels like this as a whole



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