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5/22/2024 10:50:35 PM

Please help with cross saving issues

So i made a post recently talking about the cross save experience i have been having and got a reply to see if someone could help then never got replied back. the problem im experiencing is everytime i try and link my Playstation acount to cross save it will always give me error code: (Error null is not a valid value of the given enum type {"0":"None","1":"TigerXbox","2":"TigerPsn","3":"TigerSteam","4":"TigerBlizzard","5":"TigerStadia","6":"TigerEgs","10":"TigerDemon","254":"BungieNext","None":0,"TigerXbox":1,"TigerPsn":2,"TigerSteam":3,"TigerBlizzard":4,"TigerStadia":5,"TigerEgs":6,"TigerDemon":10,"BungieNext":254,"All":-1,"-1":"All"} and it doesnt ever link my xbox and pc account to my playstation (it says it is linked but its not) i dont know whats going i recently bought all the dlcs on playstation please help. i have tried multiple different browsers i have tried incognito mode i have tried the mobile app and yes i am using the proper account. after linking and signing in with playstation on it brings me to this same account but when i get on destiny on playstation i have none of my characters or anything.



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