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由jhermannITJ编辑: 5/22/2024 2:18:44 AM

It never ENDS....

😉 This is cool. [url=]Cosmic Swirly[/url] You ever see theoretical images of Black Holes and whatnot? Shaxx's Arsenal... you had to know Cayde wasn't going to let Shaxx have that above him. [url=]Cayde's Toolkit[/url] MORE NEW exotics: [url=]The Speaker's Sight[/url] "Study the voice. Gaze into into the heart". [url=]Balance of Power[/url] "Into the Traveler, the hunt continues". [url=]Wishful Ignorance[/url] "Every enemy of the Vanguard had a plan until..." You have to figure that if this cadence of appetizer info continues to launch... there's going to be alot to do... alot of amazing new loot. I doubt they're going to show us everything. Getting more hyped every week. 😇 👍💠 Guardians, your thoughts?



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