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5/21/2024 9:52:44 PM

Been a while since I cried at a game (spoilers for weekly mission)

It was just so special seeing the new weekly mission final boss being a remake of the final boss of the D1 Y1 campaign. A boss which I first defeated after 2 hours of trying when I was 9 years old. That’s pretty much all I have to say. Bungie, you can be immensely frustrating at times with the decisions you make for the game but it’s things like this that remind me why I was end up coming back.



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  • >recycled content for nostalgia-baiting, but with Wyverns added in >guys im literally crying rn Gaming is dead.



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    • 由.编辑: 5/23/2024 12:40:57 AM
      I have no idea wtf you are talking about ! what new weekly mission ?!



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    • This still hasn't convinced me to buy final shape still. Great mission. I was thinking the same thing when said by Osiris. Was good but not gd enough



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      • While the mission was basic to play, and yes reused content, I also liked the little spike of nostalgia. But what I like more is if you pay attention it explains what the Vex were doing with the Black Heart all those years ago. Bungie actually tied up a loose end. Now if we could just get an explaination for: The Queens Wrath monthly event we got... Once. Space Aids. Will the Cryptard ever get what he deserves for killing the other Cryptard dude. How is it for I think 3 expansions the starting mission saw us desperately fighting into a heavily fortified location only to get in and find... Zavala already there. The Black Forge, why spend over a week figuring out puzzles to open the door, why didn't we just fly into the massive hole in the roof? Fishing. I mean really its great and all but why can we only fish in very specific locations at specific times? Are the fish really that regimented/migrational? If Wrath of the Machine ever comes back will Bungie finally rename it to "Aksis Denied?" Why could Ikora break unbreakable barriers with her Nova bomb and we can't? And why did she stop doing that? If fact, why did she stop doing anything? The Factions. Why and why? There are so many others but I need to go to bed. Feel free to add more.



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      • When you get so happy that you cry at a copy paste mission.



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      • Wow. Takes very little to impress you.



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        14 回复
        • Give OP a break, when you are 9 things are special, it could could be a genuine memory and nostalgia



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        • When I saw that big circular door right before the end I knew exactly what was behind it. If there was ever a time to pay homage, I don't think they could have picked a better one. For me it didn't even feel real that the 10 year plan is coming to an end soon until I played that mission. Intellectually, I knew that was the case, but emotionally I didn't really feel it until running down those steps again, remembering how long its been since the first time I set foot in the black garden.



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        • Apart from all of the annoying negativity, it just gives you a slight bit of nostalgia knowing you did the exact same thing 10 years ago. All it was is a homage mission.



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        • 由Joulevette12编辑: 5/22/2024 5:18:22 AM
          ^This it had me laughing I was literally talking to myself "So have you ever killed a god before" Bruh they should've made a voice echo flash back of that quote lol



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          4 回复
          • [quote]It was just so special seeing the new weekly mission final boss being a remake of the final boss of the D1 Y1 campaign. A boss which I first defeated after 2 hours of trying when I was 9 years old. That’s pretty much all I have to say. Bungie, you can be immensely frustrating at times with the decisions you make for the game but it’s things like this that remind me why I was end up coming back.[/quote] This is clearly sponsored content.



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          • The only thing that was missing from that fight was the epic boss theme from the original. But I agree it was a nice throwback.



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          • Bro… nostalgia holds you back from evolving. I get it you want to congratulate bungie but you paid money for a season which resold you stuff you already paid… it’s silly



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          • I played destiny 1 since day 3 and destiny was a large formative part of my life. When I beat this mission I felt like patchy the pirate: “That’s it? [i]That’s[/i] the final mission?” It was lackluster and had no buildup compared to the version in destiny one. They don’t even have the music change when you beat each of the Minotaurs, because unlike then you can just breeze thru them now. They didn’t even use the area from Destiny one leading up to the heart, they just recycled star crossed and parts of garden.



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          • Reused content is all it takes to get an emotional response out of you from a game? Talk about low standards.



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          • This post has a cringey feel, like cringey familiar.🤣🤣🤣



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          • Get a grip



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          • Not going to hate but that mission was stupid easy for me. I remember beating it so quick in one try. The first try. We are talking about the one where it was just 3 gate keepers right.



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          • Wait, how and why is that mission replayable?



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          • 2
            The Sandvich Slayer
            The Sandvich Slayer

            Pootis -

            What boss?



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          • I was approaching the door and thought, "This looks like the start of Garden." Then as the door is opening I thought, "They haven't had a door opening like this in a while." And once I saw the black heart and the statues, I just started laughing.



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            1 回复
            • immensely frustrating, I'll agree with that. but you missed the best thing. bug gun weekend. it was far better game play then anything bungie has done to date. the ceo who makes the calls on nerfing has zero time in this game. and does some real classic screw ups. but glad you like it ,not many left that are feeling it anymore to many nerfs and bad calls.



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            • You came back for old content not new?



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            • 由jhermannITJ编辑: 5/22/2024 8:20:06 AM
              Spoiler Speculation.... The moment. [spoiler]Crow had sent his ghost away... as it seemed he was walking in step with sister once again. Then it popped out. And Cayde knew... Mara is going to disappointed. Hollow words from a hollow heart. Her apology meant nothing. "Sry, for manipulating and using you... your entire life.... bye bye now, go die". Remember how angry she was when Uldren was brought back? [/spoiler] Think about this, we saw the teaser trailer? We knew. Why did Cayde come up in their last conversation (Mara and Crow)? Why was that relevant given Mara's admission and half-hearted apology? [b]"O'Brother Mine"[/b] [b]Mara Sov[/b], [i]"Secrets. Do you come in hope, o reader, for the secrets of My reign? A parable. In the nitrate earth of the lightning crater, where the firmament has joined in electric fury with the fundament, there lives a burrowing insect with two trembling antennae, thin as whiskers, long as life. A grasping hand reaches for the buried secret, finds the antenna, and pulls. Comes away with a single whisker, meaningless: the searcher disappointed. A wounded insect buried deeper: the secret now half-blind. That which digs for truth may bury deeper lies. If you recognize My Authority then I command you to pass onward as gently as the lover passes a razor over beloved skin. If you do not, then I name you majescept, doubter-of-royalty, and I suggest you watch your edge. Cut too deep and too quick, and you will kill the thing you want to know. Think too eagerly, and as the digging hand leaves its print in soft earth, so you will find only the image left by your own presumptions. Beware the one who feeds on truth-adjacent lies! Beware the space between Reality-As-Imagined and Reality-As-Is, for it is abundant to those with appetite. So then. The brave voyagers' fate, the timeless birthing-place, [u]my Milton reenactment[/u], the ruins made ours, [u]the riven twice riven[/u], the daughter's blood scabbed hard on mother's wound. All things told, all truth revealed, if through mist and mystery. If you have grace, then see our sorrows, but swallow back your tears. We were made to pay this price. I led us to our fate. Seek me in my place. Hear these whispers from the lips of Queen-Egged God".[/i] [b]"O'Brother Mine"[/b] Not anymore Mara, not anymore....



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              4 回复
              • I went in there with D1 feels, and holy cow, that extra stuff with snipers and vex chickens, I was all I got this, but man I almost didn't have it. It was cool, and that end trailer was epic.



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