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5/21/2024 9:44:28 PM

Abilities and Armor Tuning Preview Schedule

We've been preparing a preview article for the abilities and armor tuning coming in The Final Shape. With so many changes to cover, this was one of the largest articles we've ever written at around 9k words. So, we've decided to split it up. Here is what to expect this week. The Abilities Tuning Preview will cover updates coming to all the Light and Darkness subclasses in The Final Shape, and it will be released this Wednesday at 10 AM PT. Our Exotic Armor Tuning Preview will come out this Thursday at 10 AM PT, and This Week in Destiny will follow on Thursday at 11 AM PT as usual. We have a full TWID lined up too, it's going to be a fun week.



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  • I would rather you guys actually make interesting encounter designs vs nerfing everything... again. Idk about anyone else but I'm kinda over standing still on a plate to do damage while everything bombards the team. I'm tired of carrying orbs from here to there. Planets was cool but we have to stand on plates. Caretaker was cool but we have to stand on plates. Oryx stand still to do damage. Atheon stand still to do damage. Insurrection stand still do damage. Galrahn stand still do damage. Garden of salvation walk a straight path do damage & stand in vex milk do damage. Nezarec stand still do damage. Pretty much every boss we have to stand still & at some other point we have to carry some orb from point a to point b. Rhulk is great. Make your encounter designs better. Stop nerfing our gear.



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    • In the article you guys said that nova bomb wasn't in a good spot without a dmg boosting exotic. What does that even mean, because nova bomb doesn't have a dmg boosting exotic. Does that mean after 7 years of balancing this game, it took prismatic to make a pass over cataclysm nova bomb. Do you no play warlock at all other then well? Does anyone in ur studio know how bad all of the warlock supers, except well and needlestorm are? Its just sad how long it took for cataclysm nova bomb to get something.



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    • Dear Bungie, I’m tired of your stupid game, lousy customer support / care for your customers and money wasting micro transactions. Not kidding when I say to please delete my account. I’ve tried to find a customer service line or email to ask this and I can’t seem to find one and am constantly referred to the Destiny forum. While I don’t like posting this publicly I also am tired of having this account. While I can delete a character I still have the account open. Please remove my account from your servers. Thank you.



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    • I’m happy I haven’t preordered yet. Playing it skeptical



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    • Trying to reduce playerbase numbers to relieve stress on the servers or what? Nobody is fooled. It's obvious you are trying to get streamers to promote the game by creating a need for the average player to watch streamers for recommendations on how to complete tougher content. It would have been a good tactic three years ago, but that's kind of the issue, isn't it? You're not keeping up with the state of the community. Long time players aren't really keeping up with streamers anymore like they used to. Only new players are. Streamers have become obvious click bait and are losing numbers because of it. New players aren't going to make up the difference when you're making the game less accessible, now are they? "Hey noobs, buy our game! It's almost over and most of the story has been vaulted, but pay top price for it anyway!"



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    • Looks like more out of touch stuff released today. Good Luck to you, I hpoe Sony is easier on you than I would be. I am NOT purchasing TFS, so at this point I guess I am still holding out hope you realized your error and are making a correction. You make stuff so complicated with all the key words, fragments and interaction between abilities, exotic armor and weapons. No way I can keep track of it all for one subclass let alone a sub class that combines multiple exotic and sub class abilities and fragments and everything else. Not engaging or fun game play to feel like there is zero chance of ever getting it close to right as I just do not have all the gear and weapons the elitist players you are listening to possess.



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      2 回复
      • [quote]We've been preparing a preview article for the abilities and armor tuning coming in The Final Shape. With so many changes to cover, this was one of the largest articles we've ever written at around 9k words. So, we've decided to split it up. Here is what to expect this week. The Abilities Tuning Preview will cover updates coming to all the Light and Darkness subclasses in The Final Shape, and it will be released this Wednesday at 10 AM PT. Our Exotic Armor Tuning Preview will come out this Thursday at 10 AM PT, and This Week in Destiny will follow on Thursday at 11 AM PT as usual. We have a full TWID lined up too, it's going to be a fun week.[/quote] Thanks... uninstall complete



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        5 回复
        • 20
          Luke Smith must be back in charge with all the nerfs and Get slow again push



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          37 回复
          • ***SNIPPED AND REPOSTED *** I’ve run this zero Hour quest on N and L…and for this old tortoise, it’s way beyond my ‘vanilla’ build and abilities… 🤔 As an older tortoise, I like the new craftable Outbreak Perfected gun as it seems instantly perkier than my old one. I also like to take my time to clear rooms / sections, which means / progress is particularly slow…as befits an old tortoise! 😊 I’ve watched the speedster vids with meta optimised multi-changeable insta-swap builds, with movement that’s so hare-brained 🤡 and super impressive to behold, one can only marvel?! 😵‍💫 The Guadians’ that do those superman solo speed runs are in a league of their own, eg, Esoterickk - who’s been doing amazing superhero solo clears since way back, and Snazzy - who soloed Pantheon!! 😱👍 Amazing! 🫠 But…this old tortoise only wants to have some fun…and enjoy the incredible scenery along the way; which means, the direction the game’s been taking since LightFail / Neomuna is clearly not meant for old codgers like me. 🫤 No problemo! I’m in for TFS to simply close-out my 10-year compact…however that plays out?! The constant need for BHQ to make my H/W/T feel weak and isolated has never been greater. Along with glitchy spaghetti coding running on a veritable steam engine that’s just dying to blow - and with potato-2-potato (P2P) game-altering shenanigans to boot, and micro transactions getting EverWorse, it just begs the question - why bother? Why indeed? 🤔 Note to Self: Ease Springs! 🙄



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          • How will new players or people creating another character be able to use prismatic if stasis and strand aren't unlocked, Will they have to play both expansions to unlock the class first



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          • Hey, Bungie, a word of advice: maybe do nerf/buff trade-offs when you decide to "balance" an Exotic or Subclass ability, instead of just nerfs to everything that's "too potent", so we don't end up with useless/underpowered crap like Young Ahamkara's Spine or Starfire Protocol, and half of the playerbase pissed off. Your players would be happier if you made adjustments that way. When you tone down one aspect of a Subclass or Exotic ability, buff or add another to offset the nerf so it's still viable, but not overpowered.



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          • How the FK am I supposed to win a promotion series when I can’t do damage. Tell me..tell me how. You connected me to London servers. London!!!! I’m in NY!!! You people have no idea WTF you are doing.



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          • Are you guys trying to reduce Final Shape sales?



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            4 回复
            • Sunbracers were good but didnt need a nerf. People like fun things, now they are less fun. I havent read a single piece of good news about solar warlocks. Im trying to remain hopeful that helion does more than just scorch things for 33 scorch each, but with todays gameplay on Song of flame, the super lasts much much shorter now. Of course i dont think Well should let you ignore all damage, but its too close to a normal healing rift to be granted the title of "super". Should have added some uniqueness to it like a scorching aoe effect or something, even a tier1 super regen wouldnt be fast enough to warrant it.



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              • Make the player weaker to give a false sense of difficulty and depth to your time wasting simulator. 🥱



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                • question about chromatic fire exotic for warlock. i saw in the armor preview you didn't change this to work with prismatic? is that on purpose? i would think this should work with prismatic as well as whatever subclass you're using. i know you all are busy with TFS. but this is pretty important info especially on how the debuff is going to work with prismatic?



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                • It's almost like you're unhappy that too many people are playing Destiny and want to change this.....



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                • Okay, Bungie, you pissed all your gamers off again. Are you sure you want to double down this time? At this rate, Bungie won't exist anymore after Sony absorbs you and fires people. Is that what you want? At least we're trying to help you survive.



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                • 由Zacon75编辑: 5/25/2024 12:23:18 AM
                  Lol judging by these comments nobody is happy. Not one person. Real smart Bungie. Also as a warlock main since year 1 D1 could you guys please use some lube next time.



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                  • So what you are telling me is that I just need to play Hunter and forget using a Warlock that I've played for ten years.... I know LFGs are going to laugh at anyone attempting to use a warlock for raid content. Unless it's older pre TFS content. Time to cancel the pre order.



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                    1 回复
                    • Revert nerfs no one is happy



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                    • [quote]We've been preparing a preview article for the abilities and armor tuning coming in The Final Shape. With so many changes to cover, this was one of the largest articles we've ever written at around 9k words. So, we've decided to split it up. Here is what to expect this week. The Abilities Tuning Preview will cover updates coming to all the Light and Darkness subclasses in The Final Shape, and it will be released this Wednesday at 10 AM PT. Our Exotic Armor Tuning Preview will come out this Thursday at 10 AM PT, and This Week in Destiny will follow on Thursday at 11 AM PT as usual. We have a full TWID lined up too, it's going to be a fun week.[/quote] I am shocked that bungie did not make it so people cant steal your strand orbs or shoot them as soon as they are made. We need a timer of at least 10 seconds that prevents players from stealing one of the cool parts of our build and smashing them on the ground or wall for fun.... Thanks bungie.....



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                    • 由jc1505编辑: 5/26/2024 4:47:00 AM
                      Obviously stasis is going to be meta. Where will we get the new stasis fragments? Please just make Ikora have them. Thanks



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                    • All the abilities take an hour to regen, so are you guys going to double that time? Enough with the nerfs, BUFF everything!



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                    • pitty, i wanted to give you guys money, but then i read the powered melee rework. word of advice: maybe wait till you get people’s money before pissing them off.



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                      • "Exotic armour tuning" 😱



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