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5/19/2024 12:54:09 AM

72 Years Old, Love Destiny2, Not to good but need Friends to help

Hello everyone, love playing D2 but don't have many Friends that play it, (they off doing old people stuff LOL). Anyway I really like playing D2 but don't have the friends to do it with. I have been playing Destiny since it first came out D1 and D2. Use to play with Sons and their Friends but they grew up and are to busy to play now. I'm not to bad at the game I have a lots of patience (that's what you get for being old) So I am looking for friends to meet and play with so this means doing Raids and all the other activities. My reflexes are not what the use to be, plus have all the other stuff that comes with be 72 years old. Just a little about myself, I am retired Navy 26 years so language is not to much of a problem, am still working keeps me off the streets at night LOL. Not married so have plenty of free time to do what I want to do, took me a long time to get to this. Will tell you I am in Central Time Zone that is my time zone. I am ( AlphaOmega1951 ) Will post this and hope to see you there and meet some great people.. Thanks for your time.



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