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由jhermannITJ编辑: 5/20/2024 9:49:37 PM

A few Tips for Zero Hour Boss room.... solo or team.

The 2 big bottlenecks in Boss room (Walkers and the Brig). 1. Walkers •Dragon's Breath... all day. It takes 2 (1 per tank) rockets if you aim them right. You want to imbed the rocket at the very top in the middle of their back. •Dbl (Double) Special. Mercy strat. You don't need to run dbl special the entire time... you can, it's viable... maybe optimal, to refresh you ammo... especially heavy, and even getting a few rockets is totally worth it. Note: If you don't know there is a "Mercy" mechanic that will give ammo after you exhaust it all. So, to spam rockets... you just need to have dbl special equipped, then burn your ammo. Or when you run out of heavy, equip dbl special. The Brig, the AoE is partially targeted through LoS (Line of Sight) and your relative positioning. If you're way at the back... it can't use some of its attacks, so it's going to spam the AoE... it can see where you are at all times too. Closer, once you clear the adds, seems to be better. To elaborate, when you're closer it will move to establish LoS more, and use other attacks that will interrupt and limit the AoE bombardments somewhat. However, once you break the belly, you want some distance... I move back. I'm still having problems breaking the belly, I put 5 rockets into it last night, and it still didn't break. Once I got that figured, I'll get my Legend Solo. To add: For Mercy strat... you can use loadouts to make this easier. By saving your current loadout with dbl special... then you equip your default weapons manually no matter the config. Or do 2 of the same loadout... but 1. Default weapons 2. Dbl special for the Mercy proc. You only really need 1. But using 2 would be better. As long as your fragments, subclass, mods are the same... switching weapons won't reset your abilities/super. [url=]Zero Hour... how to get to Boss room, through the enemy encounters with a very accessible weapon configuration, solo or team.[/url]



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  • Boss room is still buggy as hell....either get killed from a brig blast that is nowhere near me or a dead dreg or Vandal that is already unalive...makes zero sense. Bunghole needs to fix this -blam!-!!



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    • I’d also switch to all damage supers in boss room. Well isn’t really needed.



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    • I’ve got a better tip. Don’t do it. There. Problem solved.



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      • Scout/pulse, Glaive, Tractor syntho strand Titan. Perhaps swop the tractor for something else at the brig



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      • Great advice on the walkers... I'll have a play around with that next time I jump in (when solo flawless is fixed, but I'm not close yet). The brig boy is the biggest obstacle in the whole encounter... it easily takes me 7 minutes just on that one section; but this is due to ammo economy, and really running out of the good stuff at this point. If you are able to manage heavy very well, have you tried grand overture?? Anything that doesn't hit crit spots (swords/rockets/fusions) would be the way to travel you would think... I'd say even lament would be a suicide mission, so swords don't seem great, and obviously you've tried rockets. So what about grand overture with scatter signal up top, and maybe indebted kindness as well - lead from gold drop with heavy ammo perks on helm (possibly a lead from gold shotty)



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      • I’m pretty sure I nearly one shotted a tank with a consecration slam



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      • Dragonsbreath really made the difference for me, nuking the walkers so I can get the Brigg down, and working on it



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      • 2
        Edge transit with deconstruct is great for the brigs since it does extra damage to it. Once the crit is open, Hawk GG is top notch against it, then just finish it off with a sniper or Polaris (if you build into Polaris correctly, you ignite with every perfect shot) I don’t recommend well at all in legend. You’ll die in it Just play in the far back (once you’ve cleared the ads of course) and just plink away. Again, hawk GG and Polaris is crucial here If you’re with a team, have someone use Gally and you guys can clear everything out. Just make sure to rally with reserves, put on heavy ammo finder AND scout, and a scavenger mod. A warlock with Ceno pretty much makes your rockets a primary



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      • 由neonsox42编辑: 5/20/2024 8:29:11 PM
        Honestly, 1 Dragon’s Breath x5 rocket is extremely nice for the tanks. Speeds it up massively by igniting each leg. I’ve found that you can also aim for like the middle leg on the tank and it works. It’s hard to explain, but I haven’t had to use more than 1 rocket on them on any of my 3 runs (2 normal, 1 legend). It’s hard to mess up



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        • Cheers for the recommendation, I’ll definitely be using Dragon’s Breath next time I give Zero Hour a go. I must admit I don’t know what DBL is though? I was wondering if it was the special ammo finisher but not sure. Ty for the advice regardless!



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          • Love the pointers. I got midway through the boss fight yesterday in Legend before running out of time (walkers just spawned). Need to refine the run, and lose less time in transitions, then I can worry about brig damage. Double special is something that I was planning to try. I have been using MountainTop with Grav lance (pulse modifier makes it hit hard), but Indebted Kindness may be a good switch going into the boss room. Grav lance doesnt produce cosmology for shanks, and the other adds are too far spread apart for it to really be effective. I need to finish off the catalyst for Dragons Breath, since that seems to be the best option for the spider tanks, and you cant start brig damage until they are killed. Having a shoot to loot primary to quick swap to can also be an option outside of the mercy ammo refill. I was using a bow in lost sectors with shoot to loot/explosive payload, which allowed easy ammo and orb pickup from a distance (also to proc radiance in 2 crit shots), so that may be an option once the brig is out and need to get ammo. I find MountanTop to be a good option for brig damage, not having a crit... possibly not the best, but it has no falloff compared to some other options and can be used far away where you only need to deal with the skyburner attacks.



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