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5/20/2024 2:10:32 PM

Robot dog secret triumphs

is the dog ever gonna go to another location its may 20th now and so far he has only visited the moon he has not left the tower yet since its completion and there are still 2 secret triumphs under secrets which im assuming has to do with the dog but no way to know for sure since last 2 are still greyed out. are those 2 secret triumphs completely unrelated to the dog or something.



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  • Lets see, my first Archie mission was in the tower for the [i]Expired Ramen Coupon[/i] week 1. Second mission was Lunar Complex in the Cosmodrome for the [i]Spinfoil Hat[/i] week 2. Third mission was for [i]Devrims Favorite Mug[/i] from the EDZ in week 3. Fourth mission was the moon, Archie got the [i]Cool Rock[/i] in week 4. Fifth mission was in Dreaming City today for the [spoiler][i]Ahamkara Skull[/i][/spoiler] today week 5 of Into the Light. Each week had a new location for Archie's secret quests, probably a limited time thing if I had to guess. New guides were up on youtube each reset for those whom may have got lost. You might not be able to get past triumphs for missing some quests, but don't quote me on that, that would be something Bungie might know.



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    • Idk, man. 🤷‍♂️ Be sure to like, comment and subscribe.



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    • He's been at a few different places. First the tower, then the cosmodrome. Next the EDZ and then the moon. This week, since reset today, he is at the dreaming city. There are plenty of guides online to help you if need be.



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      • If this is a bug report wrong forum group. This issue sounds like you never finished the first quest. Quest could be stuck on one of your characters. Delete old quest pop into Tower so stat new. To complete you need to turn it into Ada. This seems like a simple debug but maybe something else. Hopefully this helps.



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        • 由The Hermit IX编辑: 5/21/2024 1:36:39 AM
          Archie… His name is Archie.



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        • You’re late to the party. The Archie quests were available at every reset since the release of into the light. This is technically week 4 and you have missed the first 3 weeks.



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          • 由Jet Set Willy编辑: 5/20/2024 4:45:33 PM
            I believe that the sequence so far has been as shown below. Each find Archie quest was available for the week as shown. There’s no way to access the quest from a previous week if you missed it. April 23rd reset - reset on April 30th Archie went around the tower April 30 reset - reset on May 7th Archie went to the Cosmodrome May 7th reset - reset on May 14th Archie went to the EDZ May 14th reset - reset on May 21 Archie went to the moon After reset on May 21 Archie will go somewhere else.



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            • It resets on tuesday and archie goes to a new place.



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