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5/19/2024 1:52:05 PM

well nerf concerns

We might need an ursa furiosa buff. Or perhaps super usage of anykind could give healing and overshields for a few seconds. as long as people stagger their supers than they could survive and complete some encounters. Is anyone else concerned that all this content we have now that was built with well of radiance in mind will be harder to complete after the well of radiance nerf? if not than what would you use as an alternative to well in certain encounters? if it will make it harder for you in what way and in what encounter?



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  • The Stag may become more important? (especially with high recov and wellspring weapons) ..or maybe a rework of Prometheus Spurs...



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    3 回复
    • Surprised these game developers must not play Warlocks. Notice how in doing the game mode Onslaught that the definitive class to play is invisibility Hunter with tether. It’s way easier than playing Warlock well of radiance. I would rather not see any nerfs happen. I don’t even like the well and it doesn’t even feel super to me. I see other classes get to do a super and do big damage, while here my warlock is stuck stationary shooting my weapon. The same damn weapons I have been using this entire time.



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      2 回复
      • Well is the cheap efficient approach. It is not needed. Just more players are accustomed to said approach because players farm content repeatedly and a well just makes it far easier. There are enough things in the game that can make up for any nerf to well while keeping the repetitive grind easy. Heal clip, healing grenades, over shields, etc etc etc. Saying all of this, to set expectations… I think bungie will nerf well, collect data and then adjust as needed.



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        2 回复
        • I think having [i]more[/i] options is better than [i]removing[/i] the single option because it is too "hard to balance" and don't get me wrong, I hate that everyone wants Well of Radiance rather than any other super/subclass on a Warlock. Give us different supers, like a "Well" of Strand that gives us constant uptime on Woven Mail and Sever on our weapons. Even one of Void that can give us Devour and Volatile Rounds, something like that would be better than only Restoration and Radiant.



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          2 回复
          • I'm excited for it.



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          • 3

            Lore-meister -

            Well doesn’t need a nerf



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            3 回复
            • I suspect they will nerf the damage buff of well or replace it with radiance for solar synergy.



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            • didn't those bh"s already nerf the well? , why don't they just shut the game down at this point ,it's completely turning no fun anyway with all the difficulty buffs and guardian nerfs . Talk about out of touch , does Sony even know what those AH"s are doing over there. This isn't destiny anymore , it's some other game l wouldn't buy.



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              3 回复
              • Saint 14 should allow your fireteam to shoot through your bubble



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                1 回复
                • Far more likely that they will take another pass at damage output of several aspects and exotics. I can see them knocking Wormgods back down and farther nurfing Seps. Lucky pants is also a big one that is getting even more use then normal since Wardens law came back in the picture. I clould also see them smacking Necrotic Grips down and maybe some of the Witch exotics like Pyrogale. To be clear I am not rooting for this or saying they need to be nurfed but when something is played so often and seen as an easy pick Bungie tends to notice the frequent usage in loadouts and will target with nurfs accordingly. It sucks but don't worry if it gets so bad that no one is using it it will get some kind of dramatic buff/ rework in about a year. Sorry slight sarcasm there. But ya in the end if the game ends up being to hard or not fun people will stop playing and eventually bungie will need to re structure or call it quits.



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                • No. I believe, pepple only THINK Well has been on the devs' minds. I was able to complete an entire raid with only Hunters, as I'm sure so many others have. Proof that even with bullshit survivability, you can still survive any encounter.



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                  18 回复
                  • Here come a ton of comments from people who have never done much less cleared a Master Raid. Especially never done a Master Raid challenge lol



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                  • 由Bore编辑: 5/19/2024 5:47:55 PM
                    [quote]We might need an ursa furiosa buff. Or perhaps super usage of anykind could give healing and overshields for a few seconds. as long as people stagger their supers than they could survive and complete some encounters. Is anyone else concerned that all this content we have now that was built with well of radiance in mind will be harder to complete after the well of radiance nerf? if not than what would you use as an alternative to well in certain encounters? if it will make it harder for you in what way and in what encounter?[/quote] It’s appears be receiving a buff already in the form of an additional perk. Blocking with the new titan aspect will convert damage taken into super energy. Banner does not need to provide healing or an overshield. The shield itself black all damage for its duration and allows you team to shoot from behind it. Older content made around well will not be an issue due to other forms of power creep and over leveling that we have now. The nerf will only impact newer content.



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                    5 回复
                    • There isn't really any encounters that "need" a well it just makes them easier the bigger issue is how bungie designs boss encounters as it's not just dps but mechanic > limited time dps. What this does is that daring does second you need to put as much dps as possible and ppl default to well but we you can just use a akrobat dodge or a solar melee and give everyone the same dmg buff. And the healing isn't needed or a rift is enuff



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                    • Increase furiosa dmg boost to at least be enough to compensate for loss in dmg of 1 player which it isn’t at all rn



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                      3 回复
                      • 由THE GRIND IS REAL编辑: 5/19/2024 3:19:03 PM
                        It's just going to gatekeep alot more players that did raid endgame from raiding and endgame raiding in the future. it's like bungie is purposely doing this to make it so less people have access to such content since practically every boss encounter is the game is made round well of radiance or meta loadouts that using anything but the meta makes content an absolute chore sweat fest Sadly their is no alternative All lfg teams will say from now on is full team of warlock wells or boot or need 3 warlocks with well or boot since one well lock won't be enough in the future



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                        7 回复
                        • Ask the people who did mono class triumphs?



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                        • [quote]Is anyone else concerned that all this content we have now that was built with well of radiance in mind will be harder to complete after the well of radiance nerf?[/quote] It might not be pretty for some people.



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