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5/17/2024 11:28:43 PM

Need Help Switching Steam Accounts for Cross-Save

I recently got myself my first desktop PC (switching from Xbox) and was trying to link my new steam account to Destiny 2. However, it seems that a long time ago, I had an old steam account that I had forgotten about linked to Destiny 2 when I tried to play on my laptop. I tried disabling Cross-Save to remove this account, and it wouldn't let me remove it because I had bought silver on Xbox, and I can't disable Cross-Save for another 70 days. Plus on top of that, I would need to wait another 90 days to re-enable Cross-Save for my new steam account. If I'm being honest, I really don't want to wait [u][b][i] almost half a year[/i][/b][/u] just to get my characters on PC. I would really appreciate the help.



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