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5/17/2024 10:46:12 AM

I miss how active this place used to be.

I've gone by many names here, too many to list. Most of them are identities I no longer want to be associated with, since they reflect a person I no longer want to be. So I've left that past behind. But I have been a member of this forum for ages. I remember hopping in during the days of Halo 3. I've been on a lot of forums and was by far one of the funniest, zaniest communities I've been a part of. It had a little bit of everything. It had humor, arguments, serious exchanges. It had inside jokes, artists, writers, and thinkers alike. There were wars between forums, Halo theories, colorful personalities like Lord Snakie and Spartan Ken. Bungie employees would actually interact with the community. Now...this place feels like a graveyard. I hope this changes. It probably won't though.



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  • 由Peaches Pan Tao编辑: 5/24/2024 3:47:31 AM
    The Flood merely slumbers. But yeah. We lost so many soldiers when they decided to make forum access based on having an active Dentistry profile.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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    • The moderation of this place reminds me more of a children's game than a forum. Most people who want to have actual, meaningful conversations moved to places more conducive to conversations. I'm literally only here because I can't be bothered to post on actual social medias. I can't speak of the days before this place became a carcass, I'm startlingly new to Offtopic comparably. Only came around during the pandemic, and 'fore that, I was much too young to have anything remotely worth saying. But somehow I still am nearly nostalgic for the old ages, when this place and others would be more like a community and less like a capsized ship with a few stragglers hanging on. Oh well, I guess. [spoiler]I realize after writing most of this that it's not actually worth all that much. Perhaps I just really wanted to say something, despite how many times it's been said in the past. More likely, it's late and the pain meds are kicking in again. It's a damn shame.[/spoiler]



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    • You can thank Spawn for the literal graves here



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    • Yeah, this place is proper lame, innit? I like that there are still a few stragglers that I've seen since the time I joined Bnet, and there's even a few newer users I don't mind, but this place is definitely a shell of its former self. I question why I still have the app installed. Maybe it's also an age / generation thing (also rose tinted shades) but just in general, the user base was more, Idk, interesting? Like, there were people here I was kinda invested in on a perhaps para social level. Did Madness Reborn ever become a mortician? Did the Lindsey Sterling fanboy get married to her? Is Door a Physicist or whatever yet? Is Verbatim still an insufferable yet paradoxically charming -blam!-? Stuff like that.



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      • 1
        every time i bring up ken i get banned smh



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      • Yeah this place was great until it wasn't



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      • Well, pining for the glory days of 'OffTopic' and telling those that [i]do come here[/i] that what gets discussed now isn't entertainment enough for you is hardly motivational. Personally, I just love it when individuals more or less imply that anything I have to say doesn't meet the high standards of yesteryear. I mean, if that doesn't get a person's motor revving, I don't know what will.



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      • [quote]I remember hopping in during the days of Halo 3. I've been on a lot of forums and was by far one of the funniest, zaniest communities I've been a part of. It had a little bit of everything. It had humor, arguments, serious exchanges. It had inside jokes, artists, writers, and thinkers alike.[/quote] "All good things _______________." [quote]Now...this place feels like a graveyard. I hope this changes. It probably won't though.[/quote] I follow the adage of, "You can't catch lightning in a bottle". We were fortunate enough to be parts of that era when this site was exceptionally special, but that time has obviously passed, and will never be here again. Too much about our host, the games they make now, the community here the past several years, and social dynamics of the world in general has changed, and not for the better.



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      • The Great Purge and additional purges ended everything, the Ninjas ensured the death of all things. Not even the invisible hidden place survived, it was a sanctuary for those lost to the hammer, I am surprised it lasted as long as it did with how unruly it was. I suppose we can all sit around and sulk in the shadows of ye olde bar...



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      • Am I associabley with?



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      • Dooming will not bring it back.



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